Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Dreamer Cometh

And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.” (Ge 37:19 AV)


There are worse things that could have been said of Joseph.  Of course, his brothers meant this with an attitude of scorn.  Envy is what drove this comment.  However, the comment was nonetheless true.  The LORD was with Joseph and had revealed to him by dreams the future of his life as well as his extended family.  The LORD revealed to Joseph that his brothers and parents would one day bow in respect to him as someone of authority.  The problem with Joseph is he didn’t have a whole lot of discernment to understand when and how to share his knowledge with those who might not take it well.  Discernment was one thing Joseph had to learn the hard way.  Getting back to the verse above, Joseph’s brothers gave him a label that was not all that bad to bear.  In fact, it was an honor.  To have a vision of God was a privilege.  Even if others don’t appreciate it.  And, to come and interact with those who would resent it took a bit of courage and care.  What jumps out this morning is not so much the title or label.  What jumps out is the teller of truth cometh!

No one likes an achiever.  Especially if he is the only one who is succeeding.  Romans chapter one tells us that.  The wicked have pleasure in causing others to fall to their level.  So, when someone excels, he is often envied.  He cannot allow that envy to keep him from excelling.  He must strive on and complete that which God has created him to be.  No matter the obstacles, he must pursue his calling.  When it comes to being saved, this means to walk in Christlikeness and to share God’s love with a lost and dying world.  The saint will be envied.  He will be ridiculed.  He will be scorned.  He will be falsely accused.  He may even be rightly accused intimating his faults are greater than those of the lost.  The saint will have a hard time, just like Joseph.  But he must come.  No matter the response to those who do not understand God’s hand upon him or her, he or she must come.  Even if the words used are derogatory, the dreamer must come. 

There is no record of Joseph responding in kind.  In fact, he did just the opposite.  He never ceased to love his family and always exercised forgiveness.  This is an indication he truly understood the visions.  This is what drove him to come.  The dreamer must come for his family needs him to.  He must come because their welfare is his greatest concern.  It appears Joseph understood the visions meant he would be placed in a position of authority not that he might exercise it for pride’s sake.  Rather, I believe he truly understood the LORD would place him in a position of authority over his family for the purpose of being a help to them.  This is why he came.  He may not have had the gift of discernment when his brothers sold him into slavery, but he had to have understood they bore some ill will.  Yet, his love for them looked beyond what was obvious and came anyway.  He may have come to check up on them as his father instructed, but if he truly despised his brother’s envy, he would have spied at a distance.  No, this dreamer of dreams came because he cared for the people whom he was checking on.  The point is simple.  The dreamer has to come.  Otherwise, those who need him will suffer more than God intended.  So, if you are a saint and you have the answer to eternity, go!  Go and tell your dream.  They may envy you at first.  But only God knows the fruit of your visit.  You will suffer for it.  However, in the end, all that scorning will not matter if you can help even one soul into eternal life.

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