Thursday, January 16, 2020

Three Keys to Overcoming Sin

By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.” (Pr 16:6 AV)

There are two items listed by which man can be purged from his sin.  There is one that keeps man from returning to it.  These three, and only these three, are the key to a victorious Christian life.  The saint that tries to live in the light of God’s presence knows sin is his number one enemy.  Sin, as tempted by Satan, the world, and the flesh is the stronghold that keeps us from God’s perfect presence.

We can understand this truth by way of salvation.  The mercy of God is what motivates His grace.  The truth is our acceptance of our need of salvation and the fact Christ paid that price.  Fear is what makes us accountable to God and understands our condemned status before a holy God.  This fear is what leads to repentance from sin.  However, we can also apply this to our daily walk with God.  Leaving out one or two of the three will results in succumbing to sin.  Mercy means that God will never cease to forgive the penitent sinner.  As long as we are sincere, we are promised upon confession of sin, that God will forgive that sin.  Mercy means God will not quit on us.  He will perfect that which concerns me.  Truth is required to understand the why, how, where, what, and when of sin.  Knowing more and more is not a bad thing.  Study of scripture will reveal the error of sin, the motive of sin, and practical solutions to overcome sin.  Fear is the ultimate foundation.  It is our terror of, and respect for, the LORD that will ultimately chase sin away.

We can try all sorts of solutions.  We can try substance abuse to try and drown out our guilt and sorrow over failure.  We can replace on sin with another.  Even without realizing it.  We can even go so far as to permanently end our struggles with sin in our own way.  But that won’t change the formula above.  It is only mercy, truth, and the fear of God that conquers sin.  If we struggle without success, consider which of these are missing.  Are we forgetting the limitless mercy of God?  Are we failing to spend time in the word of God so that we can learn what our sin is, what promises overcome it, or what practical steps can be taken to gain victory?  Or, do we simply lack the fear of God that is to be deep within the heart of man?  We should fear Him somewhat like we fear our earthly father.  We love our earthly father.  He is not our buddy.  He is not our pal.  He is our authority figure who nurtures and rebukes us in love.  This garners respect and fear.  The same us true of our heavenly Father.  We have made Him too common.  We need the old-fashioned fear of God again.  Awe and respect beyond any other.  If we do not, we will enjoy the pleasures of sin without any regard to the Father who will most assuredly deal with it whether we see it or not.

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