Saturday, January 25, 2020

Build the Fort

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” (Pr 25:28 AV)

The picture here is easy to understand.  In the olden days, a city would be fortified with a wall.  This wall would keep out the enemies of the city’s inhabitants.  The wall was more than a wall.  It was like a castle fortress wherein houses or towers were built into the wall and used as means to defend the city.  When the proverb speaks of a city being broken down and without walls, it is speaking of a city with absolutely no defenses.  It would be subject to and invader; known or unknown.  The spirit here is the essence of life.  Or, how one sees the living of one’s life.  It there is no control; no disciple, then there are no defenses.  Part of building a defense is to keep out threats one isn’t yet aware of.  This city doesn’t even have a building from which someone might get a vantage point in time to build a defense.  It is totally without any prudence whatsoever.  Perhaps there is no worth to that city and none would trouble it.  After all, a city with defenses gives the impression there is something to defend.  There are other threats that really do not care for material gain.  A city that is defenseless has opened itself up to all sorts of abuse and damage.  Having no regard for the lack of wisdom, this city would cease to exist.

We have had a recent snow storm.  One of our neighbors have children in the adolescent to young teen age years.  They were out in their yard building a hill upon which to sled.  Having failed at that, they decided to build a fort.  Forts invite snowball fights.  Those inside the fort fared much better than those who were outside of its safety.  Running around, trying to avoid a hit, the children were struck from directions they could not anticipate.  This is the problem with living a life of no discipline or foresight.  Attacks and temptation will come from directions we never anticipated.  Like the snowball fight I watched, a projectile might be launched from behind the corner of the house or a bush.  The victim could be easily overrun if his opponents decided to team up.  But put up a fort and it’s a whole other battle.

We cannot go through life completely out of control or as a simpleton who ignores what is potentially out there.  We moved from the country to a large city.  One must change one’s mindset if they do not want to become a victim.  In the country, we were cognizant of black widows, brown recluses, and cotton mouths.  The spiders were especially a problem.  One had to be aware and always looking for something that might harm.  In the city, our threats of more of the two-legged variety.  Precautions are necessary.  Temptations to sin are no less serious.  There should be natural defenses we use to avoid certain traps.  Don’t go to certain places.  Pick you path carefully.  Don’t allow yourself the liberty that might lead to a false accusation.  Or worse, a failure of one’s character.  If we lack wisdom and prudence, the LORD promises to grant them liberally if we merely ask.  If we ignore wisdom and prudence, our lives will lie in ruins.  This is the point of the proverb.

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