Thursday, January 2, 2020

Her substitution Led to Our Substitution

And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.” (Ge 4:25 AV)

Because of Cain’s anger and consequent murder of his brother Abel, the LORD gave to Adam and Eve another son.  His name would be Seth.  The LORD would give plenty of other sons and daughters to this first couple.  Yet, Even found it appropriate to name this new son, Seth.  Seth means substitute.  In the mind of Eve, Seth was a substitute for her second son, Abel.  In this name, we find a prophetical type.  It would be through the line of Seth from which Jesus Christ would come.  Jesus Christ, who is the substitute for all mankind came from a line named for the purpose of that calling.  That is, to be a substitute.

Almost exclusively, these devotions are of practical nature that discusses every day living.  Rarely do we delve into basic, but wondrous, doctrines such as the substitutionary death of Christ for those who would accept His gift of salvation.  Our concentration has been of a more nuts and bolts of the Christian walk.  Saying that way makes these doctrines seem insignificant.  The reality is, they are the most significant of all.  If it were not for the substitutionary death of Christ on the Calvary’s cross, our devotions would have not point.  Therefore, it is good to reflect on these basic doctrines from time to time to remember the foundation upon which we walk and have our being.  The fact Jesus Christ determined before creation to take our place at the hand of the wrath of His own Father is something of which we will never truly understand but can deeply appreciate.  Eve may have meant Seth was a substitute for the company and joy Abel would have brought.  But Seth was far more than that.  He was the substitutionary line from which our Substitute would come.  Because of sin, a substitute had to be given.  Because of our choice to become victim of our flesh and mind, we died a spiritual death.  Just like Abel could not be his own substitute, we need a substitute because we are dead in our sin and trespasses.  This substitute is Jesus.  He hung on a cross where I deserved to hang.  He suffered the wrath of His own Father and our Creator that we might not have to suffer that wrath.  He did this out of His own free will and love for the souls of men.

To take the time and reflect solely on our salvation is an exercise that should be a regular one.  Not the mere fact we are saved.  Rather, what it took to make that happen and exactly what it really means.  Not the mere fact we have a home in heaven, but the deeper truth of God’s grace that forgave all sin in Christ; past, present, and future.  Not merely the blessing it will be to see all whom we love and have accepted Christ as well, but the fact Jesus Christ, God Himself, limited Himself in the form of a man and experienced all the pain we feel that He might be a High Priest who understands our condition.  Not merely that we are eternally secure, but that Jesus Christ was our substitute satisfying all the requirements of a holy God that we might have our account settled and done.  What a thing upon which to meditate.  He is our substitute.  It is finished.  God is pleased.  God’s justice is satisfied.

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