Thursday, January 30, 2020

God Is

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” (Ex 3:14 AV)

More times than not, our devotional time is spent in issues of self-examination and correction.  We read and see ourselves in the passage under consideration.  We reflect upon that which we need to correct or trust.  We confess our shortcomings or express our need for more faith.  We pray and ask the LORD to forgive us for what we are or what we have failed to be.  Then we look for opportunity to apply that which the Spirit revealed as we live through our lives that day.  What we do not do enough of is to reflect upon God Himself.  We do not spend enough of our devotional time meditating upon the nature and person of the God whom we worship.  Our devotional time is too often about us and not enough about Him.  Not this morning!  We will spend a few moments meditating on the nature of God’s eternal and unchanging existence.  This is the name of God revealed above.  The Great I Am is our eternal and unchanging God.  A God who is.  Not a God who was.  Not a God who will be.  But a God who always is!  What and amazing God He is!

To believe in a God that is, is the essence of all faith.  It is the foundation upon which all other truths lay.  Paul clearly teaches us this principle when he pens, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Heb 11:6 AV) When God tells Moses to tell the people of Israel that I AM hath sent him, the LORD is simply stating His eternal and unchanging existence.  If the people of God are going to have faith, it must start with the truth that God is.  Faith cannot successfully stand on any other truth separate and apart from the undebatable existence of God.  This is why our psalmist states, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” (Ps 14:1 AV) He is a fool for two reasons.  First, he denies something he intuitively knows and suffers eternal torment for it.  Second, to deny the existence of God is to deny the reason for one’s own existence.

When we pray, I wonder how many times we thank God for His existence.  The very fact that He is determines everything else.  He existed before time and is the cause for all that we see.  He created it all and offered the only means for redemption before the world began.  To say that God is, is to say nothing is unless God is.  The statement that He is, is the strength upon which we build our faith.  All things are because of God.  All things will be because of God.  Nothing can change God and God is never changing.  He is predictable.  He is consistent.  He is indestructible.  Our God is!  Pharaoh could not change that.  The Devil could not change that.  Nothing will ever change the fact of God’s existence and all those who place their trust in Him do so in and eternal and unchanging God.  This is the stability of the heart, the peace of mind, and the future of the soul upon which the child of God rests

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