Saturday, January 18, 2020

Mandate to Move

And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:” (Ge 19:12 AV)

Let us recall exactly how bad these two cities were.  When two angels arrived, the men of the cities wanted Lot to send them from his house so they could sexually abuse them.  The homosexuals were intent on raping the men of God.  That is sick.  What is even worse is Lot’s solution.  He offered his two daughters to these lust-filled perverts in the stead of the men of God.  What kind of father does this?  Peter tells us it was so bad, Lot vexed his righteous soul with the environment in which he dwelt.  I am afraid we live in a generation that doesn’t realize how vexed we have become with the evil of the world.  Being these cities were a cesspool of filth, no wonder the angels gave the instruction to bring them out of that place.  This instruction was the right thing to do for Lot and his family.  It is the right thing to do for today’s parent as well.

Our world is a world of moral and spiritual filth.  Who in their right mind wouldn’t do anything and everything to keep those closest to us from being affected by it?  Today, separation is a bad word.  If you try, the world calls you a cultist and the evangelical world calls you legalist or radical.  So, we succumb to the persecution and allow our families to be exposed, or worse, influenced by ungodly things.  This happens slowly.  Over time, the influences do not seem all that harmful.  A little worldliness never hurt anyone, right?  We are not careful of where we go, what we do, or who we associate with.  We do not take extra precautions to ensure limited exposure to the viler of our world.  Several years ago, my wife and I took a vacation along the shores of Lake Michigan.  I wanted to go to the lake and soak my feet in the lake.  What I didn’t want was to be inundated with bikini clad women who have no sense of modesty at all.  I was looking for a place to stick my lawn chair in the water, take of my shoes and socks, and dip my feet in the coolness of the lake.  All the while listening to soothing piano music.  Ahhhhh.  So, we found a very secluded spot that was difficult to get to for the express purpose of avoiding the temptations of lust.  We were all alone.  Expect for one other family who were dressed very modestly.  However, after about an hour or so, two young ladies in their bikinis showed up.  Time to leave!

The tragedy of Lot is God had to take them from that place.  Lot didn’t have enough character to realize what that place was doing to his own family.  He didn’t even realize what it was doing to him!  If Lot was unwilling to protect his family from the world in little things, he will throw them to the wolves in greater things.  The LORD had to remove Lot because Lot allowed the world to come into his home.  Things were so bad that Lot’s own daughters had relations with their father so as to bear children to their father’s name.  These two sons (grandsons) became the heads of nations what would be Israel’s greatest enemies.  No doubt it all started very small.  A little bit of compromise here and there.  I am sure Lot never imagined he would end up offering his daughter as rape victims, without a wife, and two sons by an incestual relationship.  It all starts very small.  We have to get out of this place!  We have to remove ourselves from as much influence as we can.  Otherwise, vexation of soul is behind the next closed door.

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