Friday, January 31, 2020

When Followers Fail, Faithfulness Fights

And Moses spake before the LORD, saying, Behold, the children of Israel have not hearkened unto me; how then shall Pharaoh hear me, who am of uncircumcised lips?” (Ex 6:12 AV)

This argument by Moses is easily understood.  What Moses is arguing comes at the heals of the people of God criticizing Moses.  After Moses’ first initial visit to Pharaoh, the king no longer would provide straw for the tale of bricks Israel was to manufacture, but would not allow them to diminish output.  He doubled their work load while requiring the same results.  The people, understandably, were not happy.  They sought the judgment of God upon Moses.  Then we see this response of Moses as he prays to God.  In essence, the argument is, if the people of God will not hearken to the man of God, how does the man of God expect any success with the people of the world.  This is a legitimate argument.  Life’s experience has shown me when the people of God reject the leadership of the man of God, he has lost his ability to reach his community.  Rather than dwell on that point, let us consider the requirement of the LORD and actions of the man of God which followed this argument.

As legitimate as this argument was, it did not relieve the call of God on Moses’ life.  The response of Israel could not dictate to Moses his call.  This is true of every man of God ever listed in the word of God.  The response of the people of God or the world cannot relieve the man of God of his responsibility to preach the word of God and represent God to the people of the world.  One can almost picture a situation which those involved ignored the word of someone who knew better.  Like a volcano which is ready to erupt, there will be those who ignore the warning.  Imagine a scientist who understands the behavior of volcanoes going through a nearby town, warning of the impending eruption.  He prints it in the paper.  He announces it on the radio.  He travels up and down streets with bullhorn out his window.  Surly, those who have lived with the volcano, seeing its small eruptions and witnessing daily steam from its crown would be the first to listen.  Oft time, they are the last.  This scientist might feel since the residence of the town do not care enough to act upon that which they know, how are the tourists going to react to the news?  The problem is, regardless of who heeds or who does not, that volcano is going to blow.  That scientist has a moral obligation to declare the obvious no matter who will or who will not heed.

I certainly understand how Moses felt.  When those who know better do not heed the message, it makes it all that harder to reach those who know nothing.  We complain there are fewer salvation decisions.  We mourn the fact the baptismal is not stirred as it once was.  We are saddened our membership roles are decreasing.  In part, this is because we, as God’s people, ignore the messages from the word of God which we prefer not the heed.  We pick and choose.  What we do the world does.  Only, their picking and chooses includes repentance and salvation.  We are praying for revival.  The lost coming to Christ is a result of a revival.  When the people of God renew their commitment to the word of God and choose to live by its principle, heeding and following God as He leads through His men, then and only then will the world follow the church.  As Paul told the Corinthian church, follow me as I follow Christ.  If the people of God will not follow the God of the people, then don’t expect the lost world to follow the church.  If you are a faithful declarer of the word of God, just because no one follows does not mean you abandon your calling.  That is what God called you to do and results don’t determine calling.

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