Sunday, January 5, 2020

Right Words Work Wonders

How forcible are right words! but what doth your arguing reprove?” (Job 6:25 AV)

Job here is not averse to good advice.  Quite the contrary.  He welcomes it.  This is the point of the statement above.  His three friends are throwing everything at the wall to see what will stick.  Unfortunately, they are accusing Job when there is none to make and the haven’t a clue as to what the LORD is doing though all this.  The are arguing with Job in matters in which they would have no knowledge.  How are they supposed to know Job’s life so intimately as to discern his sin, or even worse, that which he is about to do?  The first part of Job’s statement is what we want to consider this morning.  Right words are forcible.  The word ‘…forcible…’ here means to make sick.  We can see by the end of the verse Job is referring to reproof.  In other words, Job is stating that right words would end in reproof but arguing would not.  He is proving his point to his three friends their words were not right words by the absence of reproof.

We can also surmise by the tone of this statement Job is asking for right words.  If someone could explain what it was that Job did or should be doing, it appears Job is willing to entertain it and comply.  Job is not being argumentative here.  He is asking for right words so that he can learn that which he needs to learn.  Consider this; the emphatic nature of the statement above regarding the nature of right words.  The right statement, conversation, or even words can bring about a world of change.  The wrong words have the exact opposite effect.  The right words will minister to the hearer.  The hearer should be willing to hear those right words even if they temporarily make him ‘sick’.  Right words will change the course of a person’s life.  Right words are not mere words.  It is how a truth is expressed and the heart behind them.  It is not blunt and unvarnished truth.  It is truth spoken is such a way as to bring much needed change to the life of an individual.  If we want to know the nature of our words, then looking at the change that was wrought is an indication.

If we are the one needing change, we should seek right words.  We should welcome right words.  Even if they sting, they will bring forth fruit to the glory of the Father.  These right words are forcible.  They are sharp.  They temporarily wound but are tempered with compassion and understanding.  They may be hard to hear.  But they are needed.  These right words will change our lives.  Sometimes, forever.  Like my doctor who keeps pointing to my belly as a major issue.  He asked me the other day how much weight I wanted to lose.  I said enough weight so that he stops pointing to my belly.  These were right words.  His rebuke was much needed.  If I don’t make lifestyle changes, my health will continue to deteriorate into a quality of life that will become a nightmare.  Right words.  Hard words, but right words.

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