Wednesday, June 5, 2019

There Is Cause

For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.” (Pr 23:18 AV)

The context is envy at the sinner.  The saint observes the wicked prosper in his wickedness and wonders if living in the law is really worth it.  He wonders if he is losing out on some pleasures of life by living a godly life because it seems as those who reject the LORD experience the benefit of their choices.  He wonders exactly how much he would be missing of he simply indulged the flesh from time to time, just as the sinners do.  The promise above is a promise for encouragement.  There will be an end.  There will be an eternity.  The sacrifice one is willing to make in this life will be rewarded in glory.  That which we hope for, or expect, will come to pass.  Patience is the virtue that is needed here.

This principle can be applied no matter the case.  It is not restricted to envy at the sinners.  It can also be applied to any trial of life that requires faith which we do not believe we possess.  The clearest meaning of this verse is that death will eventually come and that which we placed our faith upon will be our reality.  So, why fret about this life and what we perceive to be a disappointment.  However, we can apply this same truth in a more focused way which would include almost any trial of faith.  Not the entire life which results in death, but also any difficult time that eventually ends with an expectation as reward.  The ‘end’ does not have to be death.  It can be any state in which the Spirit desires we arrive.  A state of greater godliness or holiness.  A state of greater faith.  A state of greater dedication, sacrifice, or service.  A greater state of wisdom.  In other words, there is a purpose for what we are going through.  This purpose does have an end goal in mind.  The expectation is that upon which we place our eyes.  The relief which we can experience is dependent upon the end which we expect and our constant gaze upon it.

There is a reason for it all.  This reason, or reasons, are not a mystery.  God, in His word, has clearly revealed to us what these ends are and what our expectations should be.  In Romans chapter eight, His end is to transform us into the image of Christ.  In Revelation chapter four, His end is that we might do all things for His pleasure.  And in John chapter seventeen, His end is that we might know Him in and intimate way.  These ends should be our expectations.  If they are, then life cannot throw anything our way which the LORD cannot bring us to His purposes.

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