Friday, June 28, 2019

Keep Not Silence

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence,” (Isa 62:6 AV)

This passage is a prophetical one looking at the time when Israel will be restored to their kingdom under the rule of their Messiah and our Savior, the LORD Jesus Christ.  The people of Israel are set as watchmen upon the walls of New Jerusalem and given the task of preaching there day and night.  All who come to Christ must pass by the preachers.  Note here the watchmen are not watching for danger that might threaten the city.  They are making mention of the LORD.  They are not watchmen preparing armies for a coming battle.  They are watchmen declaring the glory of God.  They are not watchmen whose declarations are directed inward towards the occupants of the city.  Rather, they are watchmen whose testimony is directed outward towards all men everywhere that Christ is LORD and Savior of all.  That which the LORD has for us this morning is a simple three word phrase - KEEP NOT SILENCE.  What makes this even more potent is the LORD does not need these watchmen while he reigns on this earth.  His glory will be evident and visible.  They keep not silence because God deserves their testimonies.  Nor for results, but for the pure glory of God.

The LORD has really been working on my heart regarding the unction to be more proactive and vocal when sharing the LORD with others.  I am not an extrovert by any stretch of the imagination.  I am an introvert by nature.  This is a hindrance in certain types of evangelism.  In others, it is a strength.  Cold calling or first contact situations are difficult.  However, being and introvert also makes one a patient and good listener.  I may not be gifted in spontaneous soul-winning, but those who need long term commitment are my bread and butter.  Having laid the basis for our meditation this morning, we are instructed to keep not silence.  No matter how our personality helps or hinders, we are told not to keep silence.  This is not for the purpose of results.  Again, the passage above is not for results.  It is for the glory of God.  A few weeks ago, we had some protesters who protested our church.  They were right to life protesters protesting the lack of involvement of local churches in protesting abortion clinics.  The belittled all other ministries that happen to fight the right-to-life position in other ways and condemned all believers who refused to protest abortion clinics.  Anyway, a car of rowdy adults drove by with their window down.  They cursed the right-to-life people with verbal and visible profanity.  The world will definitely not keep silence.  Nor should the people of God.

We have the answer that few are looking for.  We have the truth that will set men free.  However, even if the vast majority reject; which they will; we still must not remain silent.  God's glory is still the highest motivation for speaking up.  Sure, sharing the gospel will help a few.  But more than that, sharing the love of Christ to all around us will bring glory to a God who desires to be known as a God who loves all and has given His Son for all.  We cannot keep silence.  We must speak up.  We must share for the purest of reasons that it pleases the One who gave His life that we might have eternal life.  We must speak up because God deserves it!

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