Thursday, June 13, 2019

Animal Sense

The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.” (Isa 1:3 AV)

Sometimes, brute beasts show more sense that rebellious mankind.  An ox knows who his master is and follows.  An ass knows where he lays down his head at night and does not stray.  These brute beasts know it is easier to be domesticated and enjoy the provision of a master than to have unabated freedom and have to worry about provision and predator.   They do not need to be threatened with severe reprisal in order to submit to the will of the master.  Feed and a stable is motivation enough.  If unbreakable, they become a resident of the Elmer’s factory.

I have had several dogs in the past.  I love dogs.  They are awesome.  With the exception of perhaps a horse, there is no other animal that can be in tune with his master than a dog.  I have had all sorts of dogs.  One thing they always knew, regardless of breed or temperament, was where their food came from.  Each and every one would watch their food bowl and would watch me.  Camo was one in particular.  The bowl was at the end of a hallway leading to the back of the house.  I would sit in my recliner around feeding time and Camo would look one direction at the bowl, then look back at me.  Sometimes, he would do a little whine.  Maybe another time he would give a subtle bark.  However, he knew he wasn’t going to get fed until I felt like it.  Almost always, I attached some command of obedience to his feeding.  This way, he knew that he didn’t run me.  I ran him.  Other dogs would run away.  Given enough time, they would find their way back.  Why?  Because they were hungry.  They knew there was another creature willing to meet their needs and they would sit, lay down, or come if need be to get a bowl of food.

These brute beasts have more common sense and humility then most people. God created us and by Him all things consist.  How illogical and foolish it is for man to bite the hand that feeds him.  This is especially true of the people of God who backslide.  It is God who meets our needs and protects us from undue harm.  We know upon which side our bread is buttered.  My dogs have more sense than me.  My dogs do not bite and terrorize me because they know there would starve in the process.  Yet, we walk contrary to the will of God all the time not considering it is God who sustains us.

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