Monday, June 10, 2019

For the Love of Truth

And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs. The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth.” (Ec 12:9-10 AV)

The preacher does not teach the people because the people heed or obey.  He teaches because he knows.  He does not minister because there are measurable results.  He ministers because God has taught him.  If we are not careful, we will become discouraged because we see little fruit from our efforts.  Ministry become about us rather than about God.  We do what we do because we’ve been committed to a trust.  A trust of the gospel and the truth of God’s word.

I’ve had the privilege of working as a chaplain among health care providers.  Specifically, doctors and nurses.  Those doctors that really impressed me were the trauma doctors.  The ER doctors who cared for patience in situations wherein immediate care was needed in order to save a life.  What goes through their minds is fascinating.  How they can process the stress of saving lives day in and day out is astounding.  Not knowing the final outcome of their attempts before they practice medicine is a challenge to overcome.  Will the patient make it?  Will this patient repeat the choices that brought them to the ER to begin with?  Will the fix that was offered work?  What kind of rehab are they looking at?  So many unanswered questions.  But these thoughts cannot enter in the mind of the trauma doctor.  He practices because he knows.  He practices because there are things to learn.  The best outcome is hoped for, but it cannot be guaranteed.  He finds satisfaction is applying what he knows and learns to deal with the results as a separate matter altogether.

The preacher should be content in the mere privilege it is to declare the word of God.  He should feel a sense of purpose and know that he has discharged his calling when he has taught and preached the truth of God’s word faithfully and with conviction.  Sure, Paul rejoiced in the Philippian converts.  He has pleasure in those whom he won at Ephesus.  It is right to good to rejoice at the works of one’s hands.  But we need to be careful that results are the motivation for what we do.  Noah had no converts outside of his own family.  The majority of the prophets of the Old Testament were not heeded.  Yet, they declared God’s truth because they were given it.  This is why we do what we do.  Let us leave the results to the Holy Spirit!

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