Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Safe By Our Side

Behold his bed, which is Solomon’s; threescore valiant men are about it, of the valiant of Israel. They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night.” (So 3:7-8 AV)

It was customary for the king to enjoy security in the most private of moments of life.  The passage above describes the groom, Solomon, coming to his bride surrounded by sixty men armed with swords.  Their job was to protect the king’s bedchamber at the time he was the most vulnerable.  They did not invade his privacy.  But they kept watch.  They feared because it was at this time the enemy was most likely to strike.  A time when things are quiet and the king is occupied with sleep or the comfort of his wife. 

It is often in the night when we struggle the most.  It seems we are at our weakest.  It seems we are the most vulnerable.  Several years ago, I suffered from night terrors.  Dreams that were so disturbing they concerned me.  Not that it was a nightmare or that I thought they might be real.  Rather, I was concerned that my mind could even think of that which I was dreaming.  It lasted a few years, but since then, they have not returned.  It is often in the quietness of the night when we retire from our activity that the enemy seems to tempt the mind.  He knows we are no preoccupied with immediate tasks.  He knows our hands are idle.  He knows we are not reading.  He knows we are shutting down and prayer is not an easy thing.

I don’t know if this is completely correct, but the Bible does say that God’s saints have ministering spirits.  Hebrews chapter one and verses thirteen and fourteen clearly teach God sends His angles and ministering spirits to assist those who will be heirs of salvation.  Perhaps I am stretching the text a bit, but I see no reason not to.  Perhaps these valiant men are a picture of those ministering spirits sent to keep us in the most vulnerable times of our day.  They are concerned because they are dealing with an adversary stronger than they.  But they stand guard.  They watch over us.  In the sweetness and quietness or our communion with the LORD in the darkest of night, we have watchers.  Those who battle in realms which we cannot see.  Faithful soldiers who keep on their sides swords, ready to protect the apple of God’s eye

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