Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Looking For Meat Eaters

Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:” (Isa 28:9-10 AV)

The question above is in the context of the failure of the princes and priests of Israel and Judah.  They were under the influence of wine and unable to receive instruction.  They were ruled by their flesh rather than by the Spirit of God.  This is equated as still being on the milk of the word of God.  The flesh had not been disciplined as was in need of the basics of the law before the LORD could show them the meat of the word of God.  This question above is a good one.  It is a proper one.  It is an appropriate one.

If you have ever reared children, you know it is a battle to get them to eat well.  Specially in this day and age when everything has added sugar and salt.  One of my sons despises vegetables.  He would rather eat meat than anything else.  Give him a fresh kill and open pit, and that boy would be in heaven.  Put some greens in front of him and he would rather starve.  The problem with that type of diet is the lack of necessary vitamins.  There are certain nutrients that can only come from things of which we would rather not partake.  I do not like canned green vegetables.  You can keep you canned peas and specially those disgusting waxed beans.  But my dear mother loved heating up those dreaded waxed beans.  I need them fresh or sautéed before I will eat them.  Brussel sprouts as well.  cauliflower was made for rabbits!  Unless doused with salt or cheese.  These things are necessary for a healthy diet.  We may not prefer them, but they are needed.  I don’t really care for oranges or orange juice.  From where else will I get my vitamin C.  The point is, my mother would not allow us the sustenance of meat without also taking in the vegetables.  The discipline to partake of the less enjoyable opened the pleasure of that which we really wanted.  Eating the vegetables allowed for protein which is needed to build muscle mass.

The point of this passage is God found it hard to teach men knowledge and wisdom from the word of God because those who were entrusted with this task could not control the flesh.  They were still on the milk of the word.  They were still trying to master the does and don’t.  They were still trying to overcome the weakness of our human desires.  There was no one disciplined and mature enough for God to entrust the deeper things of God’s word.  No vision for the people. No leadership to take them to higher goals.  They couldn’t tell themselves ‘no’.  Therefore, God could not find a man to teach him His word.

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