Thursday, June 6, 2019

Obedient Contention

They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.” (Pr 28:4 AV)

This morning, I read an article of a ‘preacher’ who was apologizing to those who are entangled in the LGBTQ+ community for his lack of Christlike response to their condition.  Although I understand the need to confess a less than compassionate attitude towards those who need Christ, he went a bit further and involved himself in their Gay Pride march.  I recently saw a post on Facebook of a self-professed Christian which seemed to endorse gender fluidity.  Still another who attends a Bible believing church who assists in the Gay Pride movement.  It is one thing to have compassion on the sinner in hopes of presenting their need of Christ.  Quite another to refuse offending the sinner and helping them in their sin.  Note about the general disposition of the two.  If we keep the word of God, we will contend with those who do not.  Lord willing, in the hope of leading them to Christ.  If we do not keep the law, we will advance the cause and admire the wicked.  It is a general state of condition.  If we praise those who are wicked, then we generally do not keep the law.  If we condemn the actions of the wicked, the we generally keep the law.

When I was saved back in the eighties, there was a general cleaning that I experienced.  Things that I felt were no big deal, became a big deal.  I stopped watching any program that made a mockery of sin.  I stopped watching any programs that made a mockery of Christ.  I stopped watching programs that brought into doubt the veracity of the word of God.  I got rid of all the music that I had been listening to because it glorifies sin.  The books I read were about doctrine and prophecy.  No longer to I peruse magazines that glorified wickedness.  What has struck me is how mainstream these things are becoming in the lives of those who profess Christ.  We see them today and compare them with what is going on in our current culture and have determined they are really not so bad – at least in comparison to our current culture.  The problem is, if they were wrong then, they are still wrong today.

We live in a word that seeks compromise.  Compromise on the part of the saints.  Not on the part of the world.  God’s word does not change no matter how much the world changes.  God will not relax His standard of judgment because we have.  The LORD requires that all mankind live according to His word.  There is no choice.  If we refuse, the we are judged for it.  When it comes to where a person stands, there is no middle ground.  We either love and obey the law which results in rebuke of the wicked, or we despise the law and the God who gave it, resulting in loving the environment of the wicked.  Once cannot call themselves a God-loving saint and at the same time, hold those in wickedness and dear friends whom they encourage in their sin.  It is one or the other.

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