Sunday, June 16, 2019

Fast Fidelity Forthcoming

And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness. (Isa 16:5 AV)

The ‘he’ here is the lamb that was spoken of in verse one of the same chapter.  The direct application is pretty clear.  This verse is a prophetical one.  It speaks of the time wherein Christ shall return and bring righteousness to the world.  The heathen will be destroyed.  The reign of Christ will begin with souls who are saved.  There may be those too young to have made a choice at the time of the battle of Armageddon, but those entering the reign of Christ will not, as yet, have their names blotted out from the book of life.  In this sense, Christ will hasten righteousness.  It will happen in an instant.  Judgment upon the wickedness of mankind will be swifter than the flood of Noah.  It will be over in a moment.  Righteousness will be the rule of the earth for one thousand years.  There is, however, a more practical application here.   One which we can take heart in this, our day and hour.

As a child of God, we get impatient at the rate of growth which we experience.  We want to be made into the image of Christ yesterday.  As Paul expressed his frustration with his own wickedness in Romans chapter seven, we concur it is equally difficult.  The new man battles against the old man.  The new man, made in the image of Christ, it trying to grow stronger as the old man, made in the image of Adam, is fighting against it.  The Spirit of God gives us the desire to do right while the old man rears up the desires of the flesh to fight against it.  The promise above is not only for the nation of Israel as their Messiah establishes His kingdom.  This promise is for the child of God no matter the dispensation.  This promise will come to pass.  In a different way, sure.  But it will come to pass.

When the trumpet sounds or our soul is required, whichever comes first, like the valley of decision, our nature will be completely and wholly changed.  The old man will be dead and gone.  Only the new man will remain.  All our sin and ability to sin will be destroyed and left here on this planet.  Only the glory which the Father has promised will remain.  Talk about hastening righteousness.  This change will be complete and instantaneous.  No more battles to fight.  No more frustrations.  No more forgiveness.  No more guilt.  The Lamb will hasten righteousness.  In the world at His second coming.  To those who know Him in this dispensation, at the moment of our departing.  I say, Amen!  Let it come!  All we want to do is to have the ability to please our God without any temptation otherwise!  Hasten the righteousness dear Jesus!

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