Monday, June 3, 2019

Commit Thyself

Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.” (Pr 16:3 AV)

We all have those times when we are frozen in our actions because our minds are not with it.  Whether fear, anxiety, or doubt, we don’t do anything because our minds are not one hundred percent convinced of a plan.  One way or another.  So, we sit idle, waiting for our fickle minds to finally come around.  Sometimes they never do.  We miss opportunity or fail in our duty because of some mental block that keeps us from what we believe is the right course of action.  According to the Spirit, committing the works unto the LORD will bring the mind around.  If God has said to do or not do a certain thing, then He is responsible for the outcome.  Commit it to Him.  When done or not done, the wisdom behind the right course of action will be revealed and then, and only then, will our minds catch up.

I have the unfortunate predisposition to over-think things.  This mind of mine can think of almost every possible outcome and it often can talk the will out of a path that I know is the one to take.  It reminds me of my first experience is repelling.  We went to the Niagara Gorge to do some hiking and repelling.  My oldest brother has returned from a high adventure camp and learned out to safely train and conduct a repelling exercise.  Off we went and down we went.  He taught us all how to tie a swiss seat.  He checked and double checked our work.  He then taught us how to control or descent.  We practiced on a very small scale.  He further revealed how his counter-breaking would also keep us safe.  There was no reasonable excuse why we shouldn’t trust him and descend into the gorge floor.  As one who seriously fears heights, this was a challenge.  I will not go into extremely tall buildings.  The Sears Tower is a no-no!  Feet planted firmly on terra-forma cannot fall!  But then it came my turn.  Every fiber in my mind was saying, “don’t do it.”  Your brother doesn’t like you and he may be cruel, playing a joke, and let go of his counter-break.  Surely the rope is not strong enough.  I have never done this before.  What happens if I lose control of the situation?  Will I be safe?  Will mom have to bury a sack of bones?  All these things were going through my head, and it wasn’t until I committed to the instruction that every fear dissipated.

The problem with faith is that it will not supply every answer or remove every objection.  If there were no doubts or questions, no fear or anxiety, it would no be faith.  It would be sight.  Living by faith is difficult to say the least.  However, according to Hebrews chapter eleven and verse six, it is the only way which we can please God.  Once we let go and allow God to work, it all begins to make a bit of sense.  The mind is established because the heart trusts.

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