Sunday, October 14, 2018

Three Strikes, He's Out

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Re 12:11 AV)

Many live in defeat to the enemy.  They believe the devil is too powerful for them to overcome.  This is partly true.  He is too powerful for us to overcome all on our own.  But greater is He that is in thee than he that is in the world.  The indwelling of the Holy Spirit gives us all the power we need to overcome that wicked one.  Above, John tells us the three-step process of overcoming the power of that wicked one.  They are salvation, sanctification, and sacrifice.

The blood of the Lamb is the foundation upon which the other two are built.  Salvation starts the process of victory and guarantees eternal victory.  Even if we fail miserably, death and hell cannot have our soul.  We are free from the condemnation reserved for the devil and his angles.  It is the blood of the Lamb which is our plea against the truthful charges of the devil.  He is right when he points out our failures, flaws, and foolishness.  He is an efficient prosecutor.  But the blood of the Lamb has cleansed us from all our sin and we stand justified.  Not because of any merit we bring, but because of His mercy and sacrifice.  Strike one.

Many a battle is lost because we do not live in the truth of the word of God.  Just because we are saved does not necessarily mean we will always do right.  Living practically in the righteousness of Christ purchased at Calvary is a battle.  One that must be fought every day.  No matter how much we fall down, we must get right back up again and fight for more ground.  Our testimony is founded upon the word.  It takes reading and studying before we can apply it.  We must live within the pages of the Holy Word of God for the devil to lose again.  This was the means of defeat revealed to us on the mount of temptation.  Christ successfully beat back the harassment of the Devil by quoting scripture.  Strike two.

The third step in this process is to not love one’s life.  Who really cares if the devil persecutes us unto death?  We get to begin the peace of eternity once our last breath is taken.  What is the worst of all he can really do anyway?  In light of eternity, what difference does it make if we go to glory sooner or more tragic than we had hoped?  In fact, death in the service of Christ would be an honor.  It would be a humbling thing to be afforded the privilege to die for the One who died for us.  Once we get in our heart the idea that this life is temporary and we really do not care if death comes swiftly, what threat does the devil have anyway?  Strike three.

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