Friday, October 19, 2018

Preach Until There's No One Left

“Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate, And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land.” (Isa 6:11-12 AV)

This is the only question Isaiah had when the LORD called him to preach.  The only objection was understandable.  His own iniquity was his biggest road block and that was taken care of with a coal placed on his lips.  The question above was not an objection.  It was a clarification.  It was Isaiah’s way of trying to understand the scope of his responsibilities.  The response is the same command given to the church today.  The same directive given to all who profess Christ.  Preach until there is no one left.

The context is the eventual carrying away of Judah into Babylon.  Isaiah was a later time prophet.  He was the preacher to those who had finally and thoroughly rejected the LORD’s correction.  This generation was not going to turn back to the LORD no matter what Isaiah preached.  Therefore, he was not to preach for result’s sake.  There wouldn’t be any.  His calling was not contingent upon the success in converting the soul.  There would be no great revival.  There would be no great following.  There would be no great turning.  There would be no great growth in attendance at the temple.  His preaching would fall upon the ears of those who were steadfast in their rebellion.  What he may not have realized is the preaching would have fruit.  It would take root in the ground of affliction.  Captivity would germinate the seed of God’s word and work towards lamentation.  This lamentation would then grow in the hearts of a new generation who would learn from the mistakes of their forefathers.  They would see what their forefathers rejected.  They would return and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.  They would turn their hearts towards their home.

The point here is, preach until there is no one left to preach to.  As long as there are living, breathing souls in whom we come in contact, we are to share our faith in Christ.  This morning, I read of the fear of the results of intimidation.  Intimidation by those who wish to concentrate power in under their ideological flag.  The writer was concerned those on his side would succumb to fear and allow those who intimidate to control.  This is impossible.  They cannot force control.  Those who are the targets of intimidation have control.  It is only emotional.  The same is true with the gospel.  It goes forth freely!   There are no sets of laws that can stop the gospel.  Persecution could not stop it in the first century and beyond.  Preach the word as long as there are people!  Never stop.  That is our directive.

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