Thursday, October 18, 2018

Harmony in Him

“And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.” (Isa 2:17 AV)

That will be a good day!  Not just because those who exalt themselves against the LORD and His Anointed, but because we will be what we should be.  We will be humbled before the LORD as it should be.  But even more so, because of that universal humility, our existence will be far more peaceful and harmonious because of it.  Humility is a good thing.  It is an awesome thing.  The absence of haughtiness is the absence of all self-importance, personal agenda, and self-interest.  All will be focused, together, upon Christ and him alone.  It will be a beautiful thing.

Coming from such a large family, it was extremely rare to experience total peace among all the siblings.  There was always some contest of the wills being waged somewhere.  Very rare was the day or moment when we were all together and none had in their mind and heart any self-interest.  More were the times we drove one another and our parents to the verge of madness because we could not stop the bickering.  On one such time, my Mom was exasperated and threw a kitchen implement at me in frustration over my bickering with a younger sibling.  But there were those rare occasions when the family all pulled together and followed my father’s leadership.  Not because we had to.  But because we wanted to.  Usually around some deep need, tragic event like the passing of his father, or a mutual interest like a family vacation.  In those times there was no fighting.  There was no contest.  There was no struggle.  One such event was in the enjoyment of music.  My father required that we all learned to play an instrument.  Most of us learned the guitar.  One learned the banjo, another the bass, and still another some percussion.  On Christmas eve, we would grab our gear and celebrate the coming holiday by playing and singing Christmas carols and hymns.  What a time.  All following.  Only one leading.

This will be the experience of the millennial reign of Christ.  Too foreign to our minds to completely imagine.  It will be harmony and peace like no other.  His reign will be all about Him!  No need for human government or intervention.  He controls it all.  No self-interest because worship of the Lamb will be the only interest we will have.  No personal agenda because we will all be serving the Master.  What a day that will be!  Glory be to God and the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world.

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