Wednesday, October 3, 2018

He Lives For It

“Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” (Heb 7:25 AV)

There are two ideas which are precious in this verse.  The first is from the phrase, “to the uttermost” speaks to us of the grace and power of our Savior.  Whether the writer is referring to eternal security (which I think he is) or events of our life makes no real big difference.  That from which we can gather faith is the fact Jesus Christ saves from to the uttermost.  The furthest point.  The most extreme.  The worst-case scenario.  The most fatal of all circumstances.  Both in time and scope, our Lord Jesus Christ cannot overcome any obstacle to keep those whom have trusted in Him safe from doom.  This also means there isn’t a soul whom Christ cannot save.  There is no soul so depraved in the human condition which the blood of Christ cannot cleanse.  He saves to the uttermost.

The second, equally precious truth is the He, “ever liveth to make intercession.”  This primary ministry of our resurrected Savior is the make intercession for those who are in desperate need of the Father’s grace.  We often use the phrase, “he lives for it”, or, “that’s what he lives for.”  The understanding is that even though there may be other activities or duties, an individual has defined his life by a specific interest, goal, pursuit, or pleasure.  “He lives for skydiving.”  “She lives for her grandchildren.”  “He lives for the weekend.”  “She lives for her decorating.”  These interests are what consume the passions.  These interests occupy the mind and heart even if there are other things which he or she must be occupied with.  Work, family, chores, etc.  These may be done, but not with the same passion as that which the person lives for.  This is the understanding of that phrase above.

When Jesus Christ seeks to save, He does so with the attitude there is no length, depth, or width which He will not traverse, and He does so with passion of purpose.  He is not interceding for us out of a sense of duty.  Rather, He intercedes for us with laser focus and unbridled passion for our souls.  This is His ministry.  This is His life.  This is His purpose.  And He does so without fail!

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