Friday, October 12, 2018

No Escape

“For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (Re 6:17 AV)

This is the theme of the book of Revelation that is often forgotten in our pursuit of the deeper meanings found within.  The theme of the book is judgement upon mankind by the Lamb of God for their rejection of Him.  The book is not about end times with no point.  It is about the glory of God our Savior.  It is about the Son of God and glory due Him by all whom He has created.  It is about His wrath founded upon His righteousness and the spurned grace which He so mercifully gave.  It is about the world as a whole rejecting His humiliation, His passion, and His continued offer of grace that demands such a response as the judgments which are to follow. 

Someone might counter with the argument the punishment does not fit the crime.  But who are we to decide that?  Imagine what Christ went through to procure the salvation of mankind.  He created the very soldiers and crowds who would torture Him.  Imagine leaving a place of divine existence and limiting oneself to the existence of man.  Imagine having the power to cease the torture by divine power, yet knowing He would be in disobedience to the Father if He did.  Imagine enduring all that for mankind who hates you anyway.  Imagine going through all that knowing the vast majority of those for whom He did this would reject it anyway.  Still, someone might say the punishment does not fit the crime.  As a pastor, there has only been two times in thirty years when an individual as expressed a thank you for benevolence given from the church.  There was only one time it resulted in renewed commitment to the ministry.  Over hundreds of times, the response is the same.  An attitude of entitlement or pride that refuses to acknowledge the grace given.  We still help.  We still assist.  There is an expectation of gratitude or commitment.  But if there is none, then next time there is a need, they will more than likely not receive any.  What we gave was not ours.  It was the LORD’s.  He will visit them in their ingratitude.

Mark the words of Revelation.  Judgement is coming for rejecting so great a grace.  Not only rejection, but flat out rebellion must be confronted.  The world is so arrogant to assume it can stand up to our all-powerful Creator.  Naïve doesn’t even come close to describing what they will be expressing.  Their rebellion against grace is what will seal their judgment.  And no one will escape.

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