Saturday, October 20, 2018

Peace Through Strength

“Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.” (Isa 9:7 AV)

There was a bumper sticker that was common in the cars of saints not too long ago.  It read, “know God, Know Peace.  No God, No Peace.”  How true is that?  Today, our world is in mob mode.  It is escalating at an alarming rate.  If there isn’t a riot someplace, then there will be soon.  We clamor for peace, but do just the opposite.  I for one am all for peace!  However, the only way true and lasting peace will come is under the rule of God himself.  When Christ comes back, He will establish His kingdom in lasting peace.

There is a principle here of a more local and personal one.  There is a principle that can be applied in a much smaller scale.  When Christ rules, there is peace.  Whether it is in the vastness of the world, or the smallness of the heart of the individual, when Christ rules, there is peace.  We live in a state of constant agitation.  The world has designed itself to make the individual feel as though he or she is never living a good life.  No matter the circumstances, something is always wrong and things could always be better.  There is truth to that.  The problem is, the world and the flesh try to convince the heart and mind that the temporal things of life are the key to soundness and peace.  They are not.  We will always suffer physical challenges.  We will never have everything we could ever want.  Our families will never be perfect.  The boss will never be totally gracious and accommodating.  There is no such thing as a replicator.  No matter how much science fiction dreams of a toil free life, it will never happen.  This does not mean we much suffer a life void of mental and emotional peace.  The key is to surrender the will and allow Christ to rule in the heart.

Homes are in disarray because Christ does not rule there.  Each has their own set of dreams and agenda that competes against others.  Constant friction in the home because Christ does not rule.  Our churches are magnets of strife because Christ does not rule there.  Church government is no longer ordered in a biblical manner.  It has become a democracy.  Or, should I say, a mobocracy.  The Bible is not our rule book.  The pastor is no longer our leader.  We strive because Christ and His word do not rule there.  Our communities are up in arms one against another.  There is no peace because Jesus Christ as been removed from our schools, government, and communities.  The Atheist utopia is a farce.  Look what happens when God is removed.  Less peace.  Not more.  If we want lasting peace, Jesus Christ must rule.  We don’t have to wait for His return.  It can begin right now.

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