Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Patient Silence of God

“For so the LORD said unto me, I will take my rest, and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.” (Isa 18:4 AV)

A clear heat is a heat with no wind.  A cloud of dew is a fog.  Still as the night.  The LORD is expressing His plans for the near future.  He will be undetectable to the busied eye.  Those who are busy in their inventions of wickedness will not be able to detect the LORD.  It will be as though He is not even there.  The LORD will allow the works of the wicked to go on without interference.  At least for the short term.  This really explains what we are seeing in today’s world.

If the believer looks upon the landscape of the world’s culture and direction, he may question the LORD’s commitment to righteousness.  He does not see much judgment upon the world or none at all.  How could a God who loves righteousness permit the abortion of countless unborn human beings?  This is genocide on the grandest of scales.  How could a God who has declared His love for righteousness permit the most carnal and deviant of our world to pursue their perversion without and consequences?  Does He no longer believe that same-gender relations are an abomination?  How could a God who declares His command for holiness do nothing as the church goes the way of the world, pleasing ‘self’ more than pleasing God?  Why is it that we see drug dealers, Hollywood types, beer makers, and other providers of vice prosper, yet the people of God are brought under persecution?  If God is the God of righteousness, then why is He not doing anything about it?

The above verse gives us a clue.  Years ago, a co-worker decided that on his eightieth birthday, he was going to have the time of his life.  My boss took him to a bar for their celebration.  Several hours later, then came back from their evening and there sat this co-worker in the ally, puking his guts out.  He sat there in his own vomit.  I was so angry with my boss because of what he did to my friend.  I was angry up until I found out that this happened with his father’s blessing.   I learned that my friend had a bit of an attitude and wanted to grow up way too soon.  This young man’s father was not a drunk.  He did not even drink.  But he knew the only way to cure his son of the arrogance of his heart was to allow him to have his way and learn of the consequences of his choices.  It could very well be the LORD doesn’t immediately deal with sin because there is a greater lesson to be learned.  The world will learn rebellion does not pay.  They will have to learn this lesson only once.  But it requires they have a full stomach of it before God deals with it completely.

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