Thursday, October 25, 2018

Deserved Darkness

“There is a crying for wine in the streets; all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone. In the city is left desolation, and the gate is smitten with destruction.” (Isa 24:11-12 AV)

How sad things have to get that bad.  Reading portions of the prophets can become bleak.  As a saint of God, we know we will not have to endure that which the rebellious must face.  Reading of it, however, can become a little dark.  Keep in mind, though, the LORD has every right, and is required to, bring upon man that which is described above.  The world has rejected the grace of God time and again.  When Christ returns, He must rain upon mankind judgement for their rejection of His grace.  There really is no other option.  His honor and glory must be asserted.  God will not give His glory to another nor will He allow His creation to disrespect Him.  What moves me this morning is the lack of awareness which the world has as to what is coming.

A cursory reading of the coming judgment pales in comparison to taking the time and using one’s imagination.  If we were to meditate just on what these judgments mean for mankind, we will quickly realize there has been nothing that comes close to what will be unleashed upon the world.  One could make the case we are not too far from the reality of the above description today.  Joy and mirth are gone.  Today, we are preoccupied with agitation and discontent.  Life is seen not as a blessing, but rather, a trial by fire.  Life is seen as something to get through for as long as one can.  There were days of old when people laughed.  They enjoyed life.  Never before has the world been so blessed with the blessings of life, yet we are ready to tear it apart.  It used to be comedians would tell jokes about life that were applicable throughout different cultures and situations.  It didn’t matter what group one belonged to.  Today, most humor is snarky, mean, and political commentary.  We ceased to laugh at ourselves, choosing rather, to mock someone with whom we have a great disdain.  Joy has vanished.  It is never enough.  These are symptoms of a culture that has long past given up on God.

The good news is, Christ will come back.  The joy and mirth will return.  God’s people will have a bright tomorrow.  There will be joy in the morning.  These days of increasing darkness will come to an end.  There is hope for the child of God.  We may be in the storm, but the clouds will break.  There may be thunder and lighting, but the rainbow will follow.  There may be sorrow and pain now, but that too shall pass.  It is very sad the world cannot see what it cannot see.  If it would simply turn to Christ, the joy and mirth would return.   But alas, they will not.  And misery will continue.

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