Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Keepsake Letter

“Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.” (Re 22:7 AV)

The word ‘…keepeth…’ here means to keep in in mind.  It means to keep it before the minds eye.  The word means we should not put it on the back burner thinking the LORD’s return is not as eminent as it truly could be.  The LORD’s return is always eminent.  We do not know the day nor the hour.  Therefore, it could be at any time.  To think it is still generations away is foolish.  To assume it is still far off is not reality.  The return of the LORD is quickly.  Even though this verse was penned almost two thousand years ago, the LORD is still two thousand years closer to His return.  Thus, prophecy is a blessing to learn and keep.  Knowing the LORD could return at any moment, these prophecies need be in the forefront of our minds.

It was a common practice that a bride to be would keep correspondence from her eventual husband safe from harm.  Such was the case of many war-time brides-to-be.  I was give this gorgeous hand made wooden box from a church member years ago.  It was so painstakingly hand crafted I felt my wife should have such treasure.  It was not fit for masculine hands.  It reminds me of a treasure box in which one might keep those precious love letters.  Expertly kept by date of arrival and tied ever so careful by a red ribbon, this box would be routinely visited as a reminder of the love this bride-to-be had for her beloved.  When a thought cam across her mind of the eventual reunion which they would share, she would take out that stack of letters and read.  Often starting with the first.  Never with the last.  There was no favorite letter, not because of the variety of content, rather because of the author.  The content was no doubt priceless.  But what of was far more value is the hand that wrote them.  Whether it was simple information of a routine day in the service of his country, or a letter full of terms of endearment, it mattered not to her.  All that mattered was that her beloved penned them.  As she read each one over and again, the memory of his voice, his face, his smell, his personality, all came back to her.

When we read of prophecy, it is not that we know the exact day or hour.  It is not that it may or may not come in our life time.  What matters is that He is coming back!  Not the ‘when’, but the certainty of it.  Death may indeed come before His return.  And that would be grand.  But if not, the Jesus is closer than we could ever hope.  Knowing the certainty that in life or in death, we shall see Him!  That is the hope of prophecy!  That is why we keep it.  He is coming back quickly.  This world will not continue as it is.  He will put an end to it all.  He will be glorified.  Wickedness will be defeated.  Praise be to God.

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