Saturday, October 13, 2018

Irrational Rebellion

“And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” (Re 9:6 AV)

Absolute rebellion is absolutely irrational. After being tormented for five months from a scorpion bite (or whatever this judgment truly is), men wished to die rather than to continue in life.  The problem is, hell is far worse then then torment they will be facing from this particular judgement.  It was so horrible, they never gave thought to the reality of what hell would be like.  All they wanted was for the present torment to end.  This is what rebellion does.  It becomes irrational.  It wants relief from present circumstances but doesn’t consider the cure to be worse than the disease.  It is interesting how much we will endure for the sake of self-determination.  We will put up with a lot just to prove we can make our own choices.  We will plow through the hardest of consequences just to make a statement that no one can tell us what to do.  Even if it means things get worse.  But it becomes dangerous when we cannot stop and think of how worse it can get.  This makes complete sense though. 

Sin’s allure is immediate gratification.  We want pleasure quickly and intensely.  We are not concerned with the pain that will follow.  This is why sin is irrational.  This is why the desire of those who wish death; which means eternal torment; is irrational.  Their pain and torment from this particular judgement will last five months.  Hell’s torment will last forever and will make the scorpion bite seem like child’s play.  Yet, sin wants immediate and extreme pleasure or relief.  It is never concerned with what might follow.  Even if what might follow is immensely worse.  “just make it stop” may not be what we truly need.  Perhaps the answer is in repentance.

The problem with rebellion and sin is the short-sighted nature of it.  Sin and rebellion are not founded upon wisdom.  They never were.  Relief from the judgement of God without repentance towards God and His righteousness is not found upon wisdom.  It is founded upon foolishness.  What is even worse is the temporary relief they will get from the scorpion bite will only make the coming torment of eternal hell seem all the worse.  Like a torture chamber which is designed to give temporary relief that the next experience be all the more extreme, those in rebellion are not seeking the right remedy.  They remedy will only result is heightened torment.  Why don’t men repent?  Why don’t they turn to Christ?  Their solution in rebellion only makes it worse.  They do this to themselves.  Why?  Just turn!  Admit what you, God, and everyone else already knows.  You, like the rest of us, are vile and wicked.  We stand in need of forgiveness and grace.  Swallow the pride and call upon Christ before the torture become permanent.

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