Monday, September 3, 2018

When Truth Is Truth

“And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.” (Ac 6:10 AV)

This is what happens when truth is allowed to be truth and we internalize it for the purpose of sharing ht.  Wisdom is knowing how to apply truth and the spirit is the manner in which we share it.  If we are not convinced of the truth for the truth’s sake, our spirit become antagonistic.  If truth is allowed to be truth, we do not become defensive when there is disagreement.  The spirit in which we share it is compassionate passion.

Sometimes we put too much on ourselves.  We believe it is our responsibility to defend the truth. The thing is, whether we defend it our not, truth exists an cannot be destroyed nor altered.  How we feel or what we think of truth does not change it one bit.  The fact we believe it does not make it so.  We do not own truth simply because we came to understand it.  According to Proverbs chapter eight, wisdom existed before the world began.  Truth and God are one in the same.  Truth is truth because God is truth.  The one cannot exist without the other. Truth is absolute because God’s nature is truth.  Truth did not come into existence because God settled on a system of truth opposed to another system called error.  Truth is truth because God is truth.  If that be the case (and it is), then we cannot become defensive if truth is rejected.  We share truth (or wisdom) in the right spirit because God is truth and we are not.

If we study truth and ask the LORD to keep our hearts right about it, then perhaps we can accomplish somewhat of Stephen’s accomplishments.  Perhaps, if we share the truth in a compassionate yet passionate manner, knowing what the word of God says and able to articulate it, then those whom we are trying to influence will know they have been influenced.  It may not result in all conforming to the truth (in fact, most will not), but what it will result in is those to whom the wisdom come cannot refute it.

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