Sunday, September 23, 2018

Full Dress Uniform

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Eph 6:11 AV)

Partial protection will not do.  The whole armor of God must be used.  From the loins of truth to the sword of the Spirit, every piece must be there in its fullest.  If the fiery darts of the devil are getting through to our souls, there is a portion of the armor which is weak or missing.  Maybe it’s a foundational truth which we lack.  Perhaps our righteousness has been tarnished from a persistent sin.  Maybe we are not quick to serve in the gospel ministry.  Perhaps we are reluctant to throw up our faith in the face of adversity or we forget that we are saved and that any attack is at best, only temporary.  Maybe, just maybe, the real problem is that we don’t know the word of God well enough to take it on the offensive.  Whatever part of the armor is lacking or weak, that is where the devil will attack.  It is not enough to be proficient in one area.  All areas must be there, in place, in perfect working condition, and ready to be used.

I know how important laying and clothing is to the outdoorsman.  It may not be armor, but the idea is still the same.  It doesn’t matter if it’s ticks in the spring, summer and fall, or frigid temperatures in the winter, having the right cloths on in the right places protects one from a myriad of threats.  Remembering tick spray but forgetting to wear the correct snake proof boots may not be sufficient.  Wearing netting to keep the bugs from biting but forgetting to get a small stool that gets one off the ground and away from snakes may still be hazardous.  Wearing wool socks or gloves without an inner layer of moisture wicking cotton may keep one warm for a little bit, but after a while, one can get mighty cold.  Wearing a decent hat to keep one’s head warm while ignoring the neck is a bit optimistic.  A gentle cold breeze down one’s neck will make a body feel like an icicle.  It is important to wear the right cloths.  And, it is important to bring some rudimentary survival items as well.  A compass, matches, some simple food items, batteries, and a cell phone will all be necessary in a dangerous situation.

The devil seeks to immobilize us.  If he cannot destroy us, he will make us of no use to the LORD.  By whatever means, he will attack, neutralizing us into ineffectiveness.  He will strike us with fear.  Fear of the unknown.  He will strike us with unresolved guilt.  He will strike us with envy or malice towards our brothers and sisters in Christ.  He will attempt to make our lives of no consequence.  The whole armor of God is our defense and offense.  But it has to be the whole armor of God.  Not just a portion.  But all of it.

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