Monday, September 17, 2018

The Satanic Nature of Unforgiveness

“To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2Co 2:10-11 AV)

We wonder what it is the devil uses to gain an advantage over the people of God.  There are many things.  In this passage, it is the spirit of unforgiveness.  Nothing will kill the spiritual life of a church like the spirit of unforgiveness.  When two or more people are at odds, it effects the whole family of God.  Even if those who are at odds are separated by distance, it still effects the local body of believers.  The mere fact that Christ warns us if we do not forgive others, then God will not forgive us, reveals to us that without forgiveness towards others, we cannot possibly walk with God ourselves.  Forgiveness is essential.  Forgiveness is necessary.  The spirit of unforgiveness is a device of the devil to destroy the individual as well as the church.

I have seen more times than I care to dwell upon how unforgiveness can eat a person from within.  I have seen the root of bitterness take over a person’s heart.  I have seen that hatred rack the body of a believer and send them to an early grave because of bitterness and malice.  I have seen extreme loneliness the end result of an unforgiving heart.  Closed off from the offender, the unforgiving become entrapped in the thoughts of their own heart.  This leads to misconceptions.  As if the whole world doesn’t care about the injustice that was suffered.  Becoming a recluse, their bitterness doesn’t stop with the offender.  It reaches to the uttermost, enveloping all mankind.  I have seen people come to the church, attempting to worship in a heart of unity.  Their definition of unity is not causing a ruckus.  Yet, far from the offender is their heart.  They endure one another’s company.  During fellowships, they are as far apart as the room allows.  They are cordial, but deep in their heart they wish the other ill will.  Joy is robbed from the atmosphere of worship.  The church as a whole cannot put their collective finger in the issue, but they know something just isn’t quite right.  This is the device of the devil.  I fear he is succeeding.

Let this sink in real deep.  If we are one with the spirit of unforgiveness, as much as we may think God is ok with it and He will use us anyway, the truth of the matter is, we are an active tool in the hands of the devil.  We are participating in a satanic scheme to ruin the work of God because our feeling got hurt.  Our pride as opened the door for the adversary to waltz right in and wreak havoc with the house of God.  We are a tool of the devil and no longer a servant of the most High.

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