Thursday, September 6, 2018

Tolerance is a Misnomer

“And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter? Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.” (Ac 19:35-36 AV)

This remarkable argument is made from the position of total secularism.  The reason I call it remarkable is the content of honesty and indisputable truth conceded within the speaker’s remarks.  He argument is thus:  These preachers of Jesus Christ are not going to influence the city of Ephesus to completely and totally eradicate the goddess Diana, so leave them be.  Enjoy your paganism because it is here to stay.  This city has been and always will be the city of Diana and no other god (God) will change that.  So, relax.  Be content in your paganism.

The reason I make an observation of honesty in this statement is the obvious numerical truth to it.  No matter how well and much the Apostles preach; no matter how much missions goes forward; no matter how much and passionate our preachers of today preach; we will not win the world for Christ.  The vast majority of the lost will reject Christ.  The hope of their gains will not be lost.  The majority will still worship Diana.  The majority will still go to bars, movies, golf, boating, drugs, pornography, etc.  The vast majority will not give up their vice for the sake of trusting in Christ and escaping a devil’s hell.  Until Christ comes back, your desires are safe.  So, why all the tumult at Paul?

The reason the world hates the saints so much is the inescapable experience of conviction.  Without saying a word, our separation from worldliness and sin casts a shadow of conviction on the activities of the lost.  It isn’t enough that we present the gospel and then leave them be.  It isn’t enough they have the liberty to reject Christ.  What they want is freedom from a guilty conscience.  What they want is their falsehood and the enjoyment we feel in truth.  They want to be free to do, but also free from the consequences of doing.  This will never be the case.  As long as we are in the world, even if we do nothing, those that hate Christ will wish us gone.  Let us pray for them!

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