Monday, September 24, 2018

Think Right

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Php 4:8 AV)

A good portion of what where we fail begins in the mind.  Our thought life is often undisciplined.  We believe we cannot control the thoughts that enter our mind.  However, the reality of it is just the opposite.  If we cannot control thought, then why the verse above?  If thought is not a choice, then why command us to have certain thoughts?  Having certain thoughts also suggest not having other thoughts.  We have been led to believe we live at the mercy of our minds.  But this is not true.  Otherwise, Paul would not have written the above verse.  If thought control was impossible, the command above would be pointless at best, cruel at worst.  Because Paul was led of the Holy Spirit to instruct us of what to think upon, this must mean our thought life can be controlled.

This list is extensive.  Most are self-explanatory.  There is one, however, which we are prompted by the Spirit to consider more than the others.  At least this morning.  Is it naïve and irresponsible to think only of good reports?  Does this mean we bury our heads in the sand and ignore those pieces of bad news?  Do we simply let them pass by, specially if a decision needs to be made?  Only happy thoughts?  No.  What I believe Paul is trying to tell us is to be and optimist.  That doesn’t mean to ignore the negative nor fail to deal with it.  What it means is that even if there is bad news, seek the good news from it.  Even more than that.  If we are a natural pessimist, we will dwell on the possibility of the negative even if it’s not a reality.  Like the patient who was promised a cured from a terminal and painful disease and saw only the fact he would have to return to his office job.  The bad reports are the possibilities of the future that may never come to pass.

I find myself quoting this verse frequently.  Whenever I am tempted to have thoughts that I know the LORD would not appreciate, or when I feel the flesh tempting me into thoughts that I know that I shouldn’t have, I find this verse very helpful.  Disciplining the mind is a gateway to peace. It is the beginning of the answer for peace of mind and heart.  Disciplining the mind to think only on those things that would please the LORD is a hard task.  But it can and must be done!

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