Friday, September 28, 2018

Let Us Pray

“I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” (1Ti 2:8 AV)

Simply put, we don’t pray enough!  The context of the verse is to pray in particular for those in authority.  Even more specifically, to pray for their salvation.  In our current climate, that is getting harder and harder to do.

These past few weeks have shown the world the worst side of our great nation.  We have seen that absolute worst behavior from our leaders.  They seem intent on destroying those with whom they disagree by whatever means possible.  Regardless of what side of the political spectrum one might find oneself, we can agree the drama which our leaders are dragging us into becomes dangerous the more vivid the crescendo.  No matter what our bias or political belief, we are tempted to pray for those with whom we agree while wishing for the defeat of those with whom we disagree.  There is nothing wrong with wishing for the defeat of ideas which would cause us harm or which would take our nation away from what we think is best.  However, in all this rhetoric, let us not forget to pray.

One of the most remarkable statements recently made draws a distinction between right and wrong.  The Bible tells us to pray for our enemies.  A young lady who saw her father endure accusations which could not be substantiated choose to take the high road.  Instead of allowing bitterness or malice to enter her young heart, she felt compelled to pray for her father’s adversary.  We may never know the truth of what happened.  But what we can do is control our emotions and turn our instinctive reactions into purposeful prayer.  This young lady is the shinning light through a rather dark moment in our nation’s history.  This young lady revealed to the whole world how a nation a that at sometimes may be at extreme odds with one another can endure.  We can endure through prayer.  Prayer for all men (and women), but especially for those in authority.  There can never be enough prayer.

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