Friday, September 7, 2018

Cheerful Anxiety

“Then Paul, after that the governor had beckoned unto him to speak, answered, Forasmuch as I know that thou hast been of many years a judge unto this nation, I do the more cheerfully answer for myself: (Ac 24:10 AV)

One has to wonder if given the same set of circumstances, if we would also be cheerful.  We can ask the question, why was Paul so cheerful?  What wasn’t Paul anxious our distraught?  Why wasn’t Paul angry at the false accusations leveled against him?  Why wasn’t he a bit defensive knowing those who choose to judge him were lost and had no moral authority to pass judgment on the gospel?  Why is it that Paul was more cheerfully?  In fact, one could surmise that he was cheerful at the circumstances of beatings and imprisonment, but not, being hauled before a magistrate that wanted him dead, was more cheerful!  Whatever Paul had, we should desire the same.

First, Paul knew that he was on his way to Rome.  The Holy Spirit told him so.  His answer to Felix and Agrippa would merely be a means to that end.  It wasn’t the best of circumstances.  We are confident that Paul would have wished to go there a free man rather than a prisoner.  Yet, it was a means to the will of God even if his choice to go to Jerusalem was not the correct choice to begin with.  Paul was confident the LORD was going to use him.  But if I may suggest a more noble motivation for his cheerfulness.  Paul remarks several times in his letters how he was prepared to die for the cause of Christ.  He had already surrendered his life.  The answer was cheerfully given because if it meant his death, there was no greater end that could be welcomed.  There is also a third reason.  Simply put, Paul loved the LORD Jesus Christ and to give an answer for the hope within is the least he could do for a Savior who gave his life for him!

There may be even more causes for the cheerfulness of Paul in the midst of severe adversity.  Whatever the cause, this same cheerfulness is available to us.  If we lack cheerfulness, it isn’t because God failed to do His part.  If we lack cheerfulness, it isn’t because of the circumstances at hand.  If we lack cheerfulness in the midst of adversity, it is the result of a heart that needs a new motivation.  Our hearts need a new desire.  Our hearts cannot forget our hope!

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