Monday, September 10, 2018

Patient Hope

“But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.” (Ro 8:25 AV)

When we use the word ‘hope’, it generally means to wish.  There is with this hope a expectation, but also a possibility entertained that it may not come to pass.  We may wish for good weather on the day of a picnic.  We may wish for a letter from home.  We may hope that we get a day off for which we requested.  We hope that our favorite team wins the championship.  Our idea of hope includes the possibility that it may not come to pass and we are resigned to accept that if it turns out that way.  However, the Bible understanding of ‘hope’ here is a trust.  To rely on something as certain.  When we hope (wish) that our favorite team wins the game, we become impatient if the score is against us.  If we hope (wish) for good weather on the day of a picnic, we watch the weather reports with great anticipation, coming up with a plan ‘B’ if the weather does not cooperate.  When we hope (trust) in the promises of God as certain, the patience is the manifestation of that hope.  In short, patience is the manifestation of faith in God’s word.

There are two things I like to cook.  They take a long time wherein most if it is waiting.  It is one of my hobbies.  I like making home made yogurt.  This process takes about twelve hours from start to finish.  But eleven of those hours is waiting.  I like making deer jerky.  This takes about nine hours wherein eight of those hours is waiting for the drying process.  In other words, I know what the end result will be.  Because I am assured of delicious yogurt or jerky at the end of a long cooking process that on my part only requires waiting, I can wait patiently for it.  If, on the other hand I do not trust the pressure cooker or dryer to do its job, I will frequently check the process and as a result, ruin the final product.  My impatience will destroy that which I patiently wait for.

We are given so many promises which are for the purpose of faith, peace, and patience.  If we would only learn to trust the LORD to do as He says He will, waiting on the integrity and power of God, we would be far more patient.  Our impatience, fear, and anxiety are all a result of lack of faith.  Or, as Paul puts it here, lack of hope.  We fail to trust God to honor His word.  God cannot lie!  God will honor what He has written.  Hope in it completely and fully. And, you will be surprised at just how patient one can be.

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