Saturday, April 28, 2018

There Is A Difference

“Because God hath deprived her of wisdom, neither hath he imparted to her understanding.” (Job 39:17 AV)

The direct context is the ostrich.  The LORD speaks of all that the ostrich does which shows a great lack of wisdom.  Then He makes this statement.  The LORD deliberately created the animal kingdom with the inability of higher reasoning.  The animal kingdom does not act logically.  Survival instincts is what drives the animal kingdom.

There is a dangerous idea that is popular even in today’s Christian circles.  This idea is promoted by misguided science and the likes of Walt Disney.  This idea that mankind is only one small step above the animal kingdom and that given just a little more time, animals will be able to reason and communicate on the level of humans.  This is not how the LORD created the animals nor will it ever happen.  The LORD created man different than the animals.  He created mankind with an honor and value that animals will never have.  All one has to do is spend some time in the woods to see this as so.  One fall, while deer hunting, I noticed something that a human would never do.  A doe noticed me in the stand and couldn’t quite figure me out.  She knew something was off but couldn’t figure out the impending danger.  Then I saw something that surprised me.  This doe allowed her fawn to get really close to me and didn’t react until the fawn alarmed.  She allowed her offspring to approach danger so that she didn’t have to.  I have seen a doe run her young male offspring off so he didn’t mate with her or her other female fawn.  She kicked him out of the family.  I have seen a hen turkey abandon her nest, refusing to guard it against a lesser threat like possum.

Recently, there was an outcry over two dogs found in our area that spoke volumes to where we are as a society.  Both were malnourished.  One has suffered a gunshot wound.  The perpetrators should be punished.  Fined or jailed; whatever the law says.  But the outcry over it is what speaks to who we are.  We are more upset at the mistreatment of two animals than we are the murder of countless unborn children!  God created the animal kingdom with less glory than man.  DEAL WITH IT!

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