Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Respect and Understanding

“And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” (Job 28:28 AV)

Fear of the LORD is important.  Respecting the LORD; who and what He is; is the foundation of enjoying a life in the blessings of which God intended.  God has set up laws.  These laws of actions and consequences are designed to provide mankind with the most enjoyable life possible.  Adam and Eve were given a garden in which all their needs were provided.  God gave them purpose of existence by asking them to tend the garden.  He gave them a sin free environment with no worries.  Then sin entered.  There was only one law.  Do eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Just one law for the purpose of teaching authority and accountability.  Just one law.  Yet, they broke that one law and mankind has been reaping the consequences ever since.  These laws of natural consequences are meant to teach us that God’s ways are the best ways.  When we violate those laws, we show a profound lack of understanding.

We have all watched America’s Funniest Videos.  That show that awards a cash prize for the funniest home video submitted.  The vast majority of these videos are of people exercising a lack of understanding.  Whether is it is a skateboarder unsuccessfully navigating a railing, a wedding guest dancing on a week tabletop, or a do-it-yourselfer falling a tree on top of his house, it reveals that we human beings are not the brightest light bulb in the pack.  When it comes to God’s moral and spiritual laws, we are no different.  And the consequences can be equally tragic.  Failed homes, failed careers, failing health, or failing spiritual life are all consequences of a lack of understanding.

We are at the point where we need to stop the foolishness and grow up!  Lack of understanding is a child’s experience.  One would think that eventually, consequences would instruct a person that respecting the LORD and His laws is the best thing for us.  But even most adults do not heed this truth.  Onward we go, reaping the consequences of our choices, showing a complete lack of understanding.

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