Friday, April 20, 2018

Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work

“Even that it would please God to destroy me; that he would let loose his hand, and cut me off! Then should I yet have comfort; yea, I would harden myself in sorrow: let him not spare; for I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.” (Job 6:9-10 AV)

It only seems as though immediate relief also means permanent relief.  Job assertion was if the LORD would simply destroy him, end his life, then he would have permanent and lasting relief.  This is not so.  For Job, an Old Testament saint, he would have spent the next few thousand years in the bosom of Abraham.  He would have to deal with the fact that he gave up on God when God had not given up on him.  He would have wondered what life might have been or what opportunities were missed because he did not allow patience to have her perfect work.

What Job went through was an experience only he could have endured.  Let us remember that Job was a unique individual who endured horrible circumstances for God’s glory, even when he did not realize it.  Job was a saint that none of us could ever be.  Even though he is exemplary, there are a few things we can learn from him.  Specially the thoughts that went through his mind and heart while in deep depression.  One such thought is rather frequent.  We just want it to be over and the quicker the better.  What we fail to realize is the divine purpose of it all.  We cannot see that purpose in the middle of our troubles.  Purposes are often hidden until the end of the trial.  It sure was for Job.

Had not Job seen it all the way through, he would not have been the testimony he and he alone is for countless saints who have followed.  We look at what he went through and determine that if Job can endure the worst possible circumstances, surely, we can endure our cross.  Job would not have been in comfort.  Job would have been disappointed in himself that he quit while the LORD had a once in an eternity opportunity for him.

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