Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Obedience Through Obstacles

“My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.” (Job 23:11-12 AV)

This is quite remarkable when one considers the circumstances.  For Job to remain faithful when he had lost everything without any kind of explanation is beyond remarkable.  Having suffered at the hand of Satan with the permission of God whom he feared, and still hold his devotion to the way of the LORD is something no one else could or would ever do.  There are men and women in the Bible who are unique.  Most of them are.  The heroes of the faith are heroes because they accomplish things that no one else would or could do.  David was a leader who would not allow his own personal failures to discourage him from leading.  Moses was a man who loved God’s sheep more than any other man of God would ever do.  Peter was bold.  Paul was persistent.  The list goes on and on.  God gave us these examples that we might strive after them.  Job is such a one.

There are times in our lives when things are not going so well.  It is in these times that our true character is revealed.  What we are in times of crisis is often what we truly are.  I know that on one set of circumstances, serving in a church that wasn’t going so well, I was surprised to find out who and what I truly was.  Thinking I was a man of faith, I realized how little I had.  Thinking I was a man of deep convictions, I realized that perhaps I had not thought those convictions through enough to endure with them through hard times.  It is revealing what happens to a person when a little stress is introduced.  Years ago, there was a faithful man serving the LORD, but trouble came to his home.  When we came into contact, I smelled alcohol on his breath and he was acting far less stressed than normal.  It was his way of dealing with a horrible set of circumstances.  In one sense, it can be completely understood.  No one could endure trouble that comes to another.  On the other hand, it revealed who he truly was.

The lesson for us is that when all else is stripped away; our wealth, our family, and our health; all we have left is our integrity.  That is really all that have anyway.  Our integrity is the one thing the Devil cannot take away.  If we no longer have it, it is because we gave it away.

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