Saturday, April 7, 2018

God's Battle - God's Blessing

“And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in gathering of the spoil, it was so much.” (2Ch 20:25 AV)

When the LORD fights the battle, blessings cannot be managed!  Moab, Ammon, and the people of Seir came out against Judah.  These are the people God told Israel to leave in place and avoid them while traveling from Egypt to Canaan many years ago.  These were the left-over adversaries who eventually would become a formidable one.  When these three come against a splintered nation, Judah being the target, they had advantage in numbers.  The prayer which Judah offered was a precious one.  They surrendered to the complete control of God and were beside themselves as to what to do.  The battle plan God gave them was to assemble and march on their enemies with nothing more than a song on their lips.  It wasn’t the cavalry, infantry, or army that went before them to the battle.  It was the singers!  What a hoot!  God told them they would not have to fight and He would do it all.  So, all the armed forces were in the rear and those tasked with praising the LORD were in the forefront.  The result was a complete victory over their enemies without having to raise one sword.  They were three days is gathering all the spoil and even then, they could not take it all.

 It is best to let the LORD do it all.  Not that we sit idly by and think there is nothing for us to do.  Even Jehoshaphat gathered an armed force with singers to enter the battle field.  But winning spiritual victories is more about surrendering to the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit than it is doing something in our own wisdom and strength.  This is where we fail.  We believe the battle belongs to us. But it does not.  As Paul said, there is no good thing in us.  Our nature is corrupted.  We have no moral strength.  This comes at the work of the Holy Spirit.

If we would learn how little we impact our walk with God compared to how much the Holy Spirit does, our blessings would be too much to handle.  Letting the LORD take control of our minds, hearts, and choices results in a blessed life which the mind cannot even comprehend.  Letting go and letting God is the only way to march on to victory!

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