Monday, April 9, 2018

Church Attendance is Most Important

“And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Uzziah did: howbeit he entered not into the temple of the LORD. And the people did yet corruptly.” (2Ch 27:2 AV)

Doing everything right yet neglecting public worship isn’t enough to save one’s people!  This is what Uzziah did.  He did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, yet he refused to go to church!  He wouldn’t publicly humble himself in worship.  He wouldn’t fellowship with others at the temple.  He integrity and character were admirable.  But it wasn’t enough.  Because he never made it to church, the people never followed his example.  He character was perceived as nothing more that right choices verses wrong choices for the purpose of avoiding consequences.  He character was never seen as an exercise of worship before the LORD.

There are plenty of people like this.  They are morally upstanding people.  They pay their bills on time, work hard, and live in the integrity of their heart.  Yet, they refuse to come to the house of the LORD, or, their attendance is spotty at best.  By refusing to attend the LORD’s house, they are making a public statement of non-submission.  They are actively not acknowledging Jesus as LORD in all areas of life.  Because they are setting this example, their children and grandchildren take it one step further.  They will not follow the LORD in anything.

I have had the privilege to minister to all sorts.  It is my experience that a less than perfect, yet faithful to church parent, has more blessings in their family than one who has impeccable character yet refuses to attend the house of God.  Thus, the command in Hebrews 10:25!  The assembling of ourselves together directly effects the walk of others even more than it may ourselves.  When the king refuses to go to church, no matter how morally upstanding he is, may be the ruin of those under him!

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