Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Sacrifice, Not Sacrilidge

And the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice. 2 Chronicles 7:12

What a novel idea!  The house of God is a house wherein those coming yield to the One whom they claim to worship.  The house of God was not built to please those who came to worship.  It has been and always will be a house wherein those who come to worship please the One who is worshiped.  And, the most significant thing we can do to worship the LORD is to surrender our hearts to His perfect will.

Several years back, I sat in a discussion with Christians of several different generations.  A question was asked regarding the condition of our respective ministries.  Most remarked how it was getting more difficult to keep younger people interested in the things of God and how membership of the younger generations we declining.   Almost all agreed the trend was common.  All except for a few.  They observed that their younger generation was growing.  The cause?  Generationally attractive music.  One comment was how loud and awesome the music was.  What are churches are doing today is feeding into the narcissistic entertainment driven generation by using the same methods.  My wife and I were coming back from our home state after a funeral and went through Akron and Canton, OH.  On the side of the interstate was a huge church building.  It had to be close to 260,000 square feet.  Absolutely massive.  My wife, as she loves to do, kicked in her internet sleuthing skills and we learned this so-called church is into fog machines, stage lighting, and solid rock ‘Christian’ music.  The house of God has become a house of entertainment.  Not a house of sacrifice.

Gone are the days when the people of God would come to an old-fashioned altar, confess their sins, repent, and surrender their lives afresh to live in the word of God.  Gone are the days of surrender to the mission field.  Gone are the days when men surrendered to serve the LORD with their lives and instead, seek a career in sacred things.  There used to be a time when a line would form if the body of Christ needed something done.  Volunteers would be abundant.  Gone are the days of two-week revivals because it too inconvenient and interferes with our sports or binge watching.  Gone are the days when the Holy Spirit could stir the church to revival because we have taught the people of God that salvation and worship is all about them!  No wonder our teens leave our churches when they become adults.  While they were in their youth groups, they were entertained and it was all about them.  In adulthood, they are required to sacrifice.  If we want to see revival again, we must rethink church!  The house of God must be about sacrifice.  It must be about yielding.  It must be about the LORD and not about us!

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