Monday, April 2, 2018

Presence Through the Project

“And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.” (1Ch 28:20 AV)

If one is not careful, he might assume that once a project is done, God abandons the person whom He used.  Looking at the life of Solomon, it would be easy to conclude this understanding.  Once the temple was complete, shortly thereafter, Solomon married strange wives, began to worship their gods, and offered sacrifice unto the LORD in high places.  Once would assume that once the project is done, then the LORD is not near.  However, once must also understand that one’s call in life lasts a lifetime.  Solomon made the mistake of assuming building a building was the sole definition of the call of God on his life.  Once the building was erected and worship established, he went into semi-retirement mode.  The problem with that thinking is: building a building was only one aspect of God’s call on his life. There was continued maintenance of worship, vision for greater worship, and governing the kingdom into compliance to the word of God.

It is true.  The LORD will not forsake us in the middle of our calling.  No matter what we face, the LORD will be there.  If He has commissioned us to build a temple, instruct in the law, serve in the worship of the congregation, etc. the LORD will not abandon us in the midst of that service.  What we have to realize is that God will never abandon us as long as we walk with Him.

This promise is not a conditional promise as long as Solomon builds the temple.  What David is not saying is that once the temple is built, the presence of God will vacate.  What David is promising is the presence, wisdom, and encouragement of God will be with Solomon through the whole of the building project.  His presence is always there.  What we sometimes need is the promise that He will be there in a different way while we tackle the calling He has assigned to us!

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