Tuesday, April 17, 2018

God Is Always In Control

“Then said Zeresh his wife and all his friends unto him, Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high, and to morrow speak thou unto the king that Mordecai may be hanged thereon: then go thou in merrily with the king unto the banquet. And the thing pleased Haman; and he caused the gallows to be made.” (Es 5:14 AV)

The most amazing aspect of the book of Esther is that God is never mentioned by name, yet His providence is all over the book.  The above verse bears testimony of this fact.

When coming home from the first of Esther’s banquets, Haman passed by Mordecai.  Mordecai nether stood and did obeisance, nor moved from his post in any way out of respect for Haman.  And he was not required to do so.  Only in Haman’s mind were people supposed to publicly honor him as someone of importance in the kingdom.  This made Haman irate.  He went home and bragged on all that he had accomplished and attained.  It was rather significant.  Yet, as long as this one Jew refused to bow to him, he could never be happy.  As long as his ego was not satisfied, Haman was miserable.  He was the second in the kingdom. He had as much as someone who was not the king could have.  Yet, as long as those Jews did not worship him, he was beside himself.

So, his wife and associates made the suggestion he build a gallows and hand Mordecai on those gallows.  His wife further suggested he ask for the life of Mordecai prior to the second banquet.  The Devil is very smart here.  If Haman asks for the life of Mordecai and shows just cause of disrespect, then when Esther reveals herself and the niece of this accused rebel, there would be no mercy for her.  Consequently, there would be no mercy for the Jews.  In order for Esther’s plan to work, Haman could not bring up Mordecai before the banquet.  And that is just what happened.  We do not know how.  Maybe Haman forgot.  Maybe the king was so busy with other business that Haman had no opportunity.  However it may have happened, the hand of God directed it.

Never doubt the hand of God moves is ways we will never know.  God’s hand of sovereignty is a wondrous thing to behold when we can.  But even more so when we cannot.

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