Thursday, April 12, 2018

Perfect Obedience - Imperfect Circumstances

“From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid.” (Ezr 3:6 AV)

The people did not wait until a building was erected before they obeyed the LORD in offering sacrifices.  They did not wait for the perfect set of circumstances before they were willing to walk in faith and obedience.  The people of God are resilient.  They know how to make do with what they have and walk with God in all sorts of circumstances.

I have had the pleasure of meeting with believers in several countries.  It amazes me the gospel finds a way.  Only us Americans believe we need a perfect set of circumstances in order to be effective in reaching others for Christ.  We get our eyes on what the church down the road has that we do not have.  We think we have to have those things in order to be successful.  Not so.  The means and method of evangelism has never changed.  From the Great Commission to today, the LORD has never changed His method of spreading the gospel.  It has been, and always will be, by word of mouth.  One soul at a time.  Faith saints who are truly alive in Christ sharing their faith with those around them.  An infectious walk with God that is not based on our favorite music style or freedom to experience life as we see fit.  Rather, a life of self-denial, sacrifice, and obedience that manifest joy above happiness.  A life of contentment in the presence of God without all the trappings of an entertainment-oriented religion.  We don’t need all that stuff!  What we need is the integrity to walk in obedience in spite of perfect circumstances.

Ezra did the right thing.  He established the sacrificial system of worship prior to the rebuilding of the temple.  If he did not do this, once the building was completed and the project was over, interest in the sacrificial system would have waned.  By establishing obedience first, it gave purpose to the temple.  It gave a lasting meaning to the temple.  A church that is established first on the great commission sees its facilities as a means to an end.  Those who are facilities minded will cease to be on fire for the LORD once the building is erected.

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