Thursday, August 11, 2022


But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah.” (Ps 49:15 AV)


WHAT A VERSE!  Context always matters.  But in this case, the simplicity of the verse transcends its own context.  It matters not exactly what the writer is going through in the sense the truth of this verse is applied regardless.  What a promise!  What a statement!  This verse, and many more like it, should be in the center of our minds.  Every time we face the overwhelming, we can quote this verse.  Every time we doubt God’s love for us, we can quote this verse.  Every time we are tired and worn out, we can quote this verse.  Every time the fires of persecution lap at our feet, this verse could be sung.  Every time we remember someone who has gone on before and we shed a tear or two because we deeply miss them, we can be assured of the promise above.  Every time we fail the LORD because some besetting sin hangs on tightly, we can claim this verse.  Every time we serve and receive the stones of criticism, we can sing this verse.  Every time it seems as though the world is getting worse and worse, then our minds can go to the promise of the verse above.

I love the emphatic statement at the end of the verse.  This is true for David and it is true for every child of God.  He shall receive me.  There is no ‘but’ following.  There is no qualifying statement.  This is a certainty.  It is more sure than the sun rising tomorrow.  All the things in the natural world can change.  And will.  But God’s word does not.  When we are saved, we are born into the family of God.  This is unbreakable.  He shall receive me into glory because He has already received me into His family.  We have an adopted sister.  Her name is Mary.  I remember as though it was yesterday the day we picked her up.  I was four years old and she was five.  My parents had one of those cruising station wagons with the rumble seat in the back.  This is where my younger brother and I sat and where Mary climbed in.  I was only four, so I didn’t know all that went into her adoption until years later.  All I saw was a five-year-old sister climbing in the back of our car and now we were friends.  She was received into our family because of all the legal work my father did.  Before she could climb in, the courts had to rule the adoption to be legal.  Her last name was changed.  She had a bed all made up, a dresser she could call her own, and a new school to go to.  All the preparations were made ahead of time and there was nothing she had to do.  She was received because someone else made all the arrangements.

Our adoption is settled.  Our home in heaven is built.  Our sin has been forgiven.  We have the righteousness of Christ.  There is nothing we must do.  Whether by trumpet or by beckoning, we will rise to glory and we shall be received.  No proceeding can undo it.  No adversary can cancel the arrangement.  God loves us way too much and the cost was way too steep to lose us in any way.  He will receive us.  There is nothing that will change that!  He will receive us.   Glory to God!

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