Monday, August 29, 2022

He Cannot Let You Starve

So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands.” (Ps 78:72 AV)


The entire psalm is about how the LORD guided them from Egypt to Canaan.  In this psalm were learn Israel ate angel food and were not even aware of how good they had it.  The word that struck me this morning is the word ‘integrity’.  When the LORD provided water from the rock, it was His integrity that motivated Him.  When they complained about bitter water, the integrity of the LORD would not allow them to suffer from thirst.  When they complained about the lack of choice in their fare, God sent them manna from heaven by the integrity of His heart.  When their shoes began to wear, He stopped the second law of thermodynamics that they would need not manufacture more.  He did this by the integrity of His heart.  When they left the place of bitter water, God led them to a place with a large well and twelve palm trees.  He did so by the integrity of the heart.  Sending quail when they complained about the mutton in their own backyard, God’s integrity was the reason.  In short, God’s benevolence is God’s motive for our provision.  However, when we are less than grateful or far from His heart, His integrity will not allow us to suffer horrible want.

A farmer had a small flock of sheep.  There were two rams with the rest being ewes.  Upon their first fold, one little lamb found his way out of the pasture.  His curiosity got the better of him quite frequently.  He would wander off to pasture with much less grass and an abundance of rock and trees.  The shepherd, knowing this was not a good thing, would seek, find, and return his lost sheep.  It did not take long before this little lamb would wander off again.  After chastening him with a rod several times, the lamb simply would not change his wayward behavior.  Off he went, on his own, to explore the world around him.  It was a wonder a wolf or bear never consumed him.  The shepherd never lost his patience.  He knew if left to himself, the little lamb would perish from lack of experience.  At wit's end, the shepherd decided to try a new tack.  Rather than find in the lamb and either carry him back or drive him back, he used carrot bits to entice the little guy back to the fold.  Patiently he placed the little treats on the ground and that little guy followed this benefactor home to the fold.  The good shepherd, no matter how stubborn his little lamb, could not surrender him to himself.  His character would not allow him to abandon his little lamb no matter how difficult he might have been.

There are times when we think God has abandoned us.  He never has, nor will He ever in the future.  This is what is so important about that word.  Integrity.  God’s character will not allow us to suffer more than we need for our glorification.  We may suffer a bit.  But it is always for the purpose of correction or faith.  But God will never abandon the saint.  If we have a need, He will provide that need.  If we have a purpose, He will facilitate that purpose.  If we call out to Him, He is always near.  A responsible God can't act irresponsibly.  Our God cannot turn His back on His children.  No matter who we are or what we have done, His all-consuming love will make sure we make out just fine.  Never doubt that!  To do so is to accuse God of having little or no integrity.  He will take care of you.  He can do no other.

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