Tuesday, August 30, 2022

No Fear of Wrath

But he, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not: yea, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not stir up all his wrath.” (Ps 78:38 AV)


Isn’t that the truth?!  We understand this verse regards the relationship between God and Israel.  But the same applies to all the saints.  The mercy and longsuffering of God are astounding things.  It surpasses our understanding.  How can a God who knows all things and sees all things put up with all that we do to disappoint Him?  My own account is larger than I could ever even begin to understand.  God forgives all that we do and there is nothing that can change our status with Him.  Because we have trusted Christ for our salvation, we have eternal sonship with God that can never be lost.  This relationship is founded on the mercy and benevolence of God.  He has forgiven all that we have done or will be doing.  There is no threat of eternal judgment for anything we have done or have failed to do.  This does not mean that God lets things go.  Hebrews teaches us that God chastens who He loves.  But He does not destroy.  What mercy!

There is a danger in presuming upon the mercy of God.  This is what Israel did.  They suffered much because they did not walk with God in obedience and faith.  They suffered losses that need not happen if they simply believed in God and obeyed Him.  From the time they went into Egypt until the time Jesus returns, Israel has consistently walked contrary to the path the LORD gave them.  They went so far as to crucify their Messiah.  God had to deal with it.  He had to send them circumstances that would humble them.  He will require they go through the Tribulation.  But He will not destroy them.  They will not be consumed by the events of history so their nation disappears into the pages of history.  God’s mercy is set in stone.  He made a promise to them thousands of years ago.  He made them a promise because their founder, Abraham, chose to trust God in the severest of circumstances and was consistently ordering his house after faith in the LORD.  Because of Abraham’s faith, the Jewish people are still a people even today.  There were promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and David.  These covenants are still in force; albeit a bit suspended.  They will not be destroyed.  Ever!

The same is true of the New Testament saint.  We are preserved in Christ.  The Spirit is our earnest.  He is our seal.  There is nothing that we have done or will ever do that can separate us from the love of God.  We are His children.  We have a guaranteed home in heaven.  We cannot lose it nor give it back.  He may be disappointed in us from time to time.  He may have to correct us from time to time.  But He cannot, nor will not destroy us.  His wrath was fulfilled at Calvary’s cross.  This is the cup from which Christ was required to drink.  Having suffered the Father’s eternal wrath for the sins of His children, we have no fear His wrath will abide on us.  We are free from destruction.  Praise the LORD for His wonderful grace towards the saints of God.  The application is found in a letter Paul wrote to the Corinthian church.  The goodness of God should lead us to repentance.  Thank God we do not have to fear the wrath of almighty God.

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