Monday, August 22, 2022

Thank God For His Showers

Thou, O God, didst send a plentiful rain, whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance, when it was weary.” (Ps 68:9 AV)


This will be unusual.  I usually explain the context and what possible application there might be.  This morning, I will start by relaying a memory.  I grew up very near Niagara Falls, NY.  There are many unique things about living so close to one of the seven wonders of the natural world.  One of which was the weather.  We frequently had cotton ball clouds as opposed to larger or wider clouds.  Our temperatures did not have wide extreme fluctuations in a short period of time.  When the weather transitioned, it was usually more moderate than extreme.  We did, however, have much snow.  The humidity that came off the falls would usually rest on our city in the form of snow.  The Falls also affected our rainy and hot days as well.  Usually, in late July or early August, there was be a very hot day.  Not humid.  Just hot.  Then in the afternoon, we would have a downpour and light showers that followed.  This wouldn’t last long.  About a total of an hour or so.  It was at those times my Mom had us go out in the rain and run around.  We could cool off by running around as long as we didn’t get all muddy.  It was like taking a shower outside.  The temperature dropped slightly but it was still comfortable.  No shivering.  No cold front.  Just a warm shower from above.

The verse above goes beyond simple refreshing.  To confirm means to affirm and solidify.  Like my lawn outside.  We have not had meaningful rain in the last two weeks.  A passing storm here and there, but no sustained rainfall.  So, my yard was getting a bid brown.  It had rained a bit in the last few days and it was recovering.  The rain confirmed the dying grass and it is coming back.  That is the meaning above.  God sends rains of refreshing like the one described above.  But God also sends rain that soaks into the very soul.  A source of strength that goes far beyond mere temporary relief.  This rain fills the drained soul with truths of encouragement that go beyond simple sustenance.  This rain provides a surplus.  This rain is the kind words, actions, and prayers of others.  This rain is the ever-abiding presence of the Holy Spirit that lifts us and strengthens us to face the day head-on.  This rain is watching the LORD bless others, knowing that He loves you just as much as those whom He is blessing.  This rain is the rain that one shares with others going through their own hard times.

The reason I mentioned the rains of my childhood is their unique nature of them.  In most other parts of the world, humidity would follow these rains.  If the temperature was hot, then it would be muggy.  Not in my childhood town.  The rain would cool off the pavement.  The surplus rain would evaporate in a temperate way.  Not too fast to lose all relief.  But not too slow to torture us with humidity.  The rain stuck around long enough to be a great relief from the heat.  Humidity remained low.  Our clothes did not stick to us.  We ran around like soaked kittens having so much fun that we couldn’t stand it!  It was like playing in a sprinkler.  But it was much larger!  The heat of the day would make us weary.  I can remember my Mom coming out in the rain with a lawn chair.  She would sit out there in the middle of a downpour getting drenched.  But then the sun came out quickly and it would evaporate slowly.  These are the refreshing rains that we need to seek from the LORD!  The rains which come in a bucketful and are meant to stick around for a while.  I am grateful for these rains.  Without these rains, I wouldn’t make it.  Praise the LORD for His mercy and grace in time of need.

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