Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Refuge Or Trap

The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.” (Ps 46:7 AV)

Prophetically speaking, Psalm 46 is a tribulation passage.  The writer; in this case, David; is relaying some of the curses that will come on the earth and the reaction that the remnant might be feeling.  There are mountains that are removed.  There are valleys that will be lifted.  Worldwide earthquakes, wars, and devastation will be common.  The remnant will escape into the wilderness as the refuge of God is provided.  This is the meaning of this passage.  Even in the midst of trouble not of our own making, the LORD provides a place of hiding.  A place where we can meet with God face to face.  A place where we might see, hear and experience the turmoil around us, but still remain safe in His care.  This place of refuge might be a prayer closet.  This place of refuge might be a vacation spot.  This refuge might be a special place that you and the LORD share when things become overwhelming.  The principal thing is wherever we may retire to find relief and safety, it is only that if the LORD is there with us.  Otherwise, we have taken our anxieties with us and our safe space is truly not safe.

I recently watched a documentary on the Knights Templar and the possible location of their wealth.  I was interesting in so much as the history of this group was concerned.  I didn’t really think any treasure could be found in one place.  The whole program was dedicated to the location of this horde.  In the reporting, the host went from one refuge to another.  They could be identified because of common markings associated with the Templar.  One such place was in Spain.  The simple monastery was built in a gorge with three walls.  These limestone walls were littered with caves.  Some large.  Some small.  There had to be at least 1,000 different cave openings.  This place was a defensive-minded commander’s dream.  There was no way an advancing force could attack without severe losses.  If there ever was a refuge, this would be it.  Yet I could not help but think of the spiritual condition of these men.  I know that I have never met them nor can I know the eternal state of anyone but myself.  However, if these knights held to the doctrinal position of the ones whom they represented, then their eternal state was dubious at best.  This means they were held up in this refuge without the LORD.  They did not have the presence of God.  They may have been physically safe for a time, but eternally, their souls lay in peril.  Just because a safe space may be safe for most threats, without the LORD, it is no refuge at all.

Right now, my son and I are sitting in an enclosed courtyard at our local hospital waiting for the surgeon to report on my wife’s cancer surgery.  It is absolutely beautiful.  The courtyard has wonderful landscaping and flowerbeds.  It is park-like.  The temperature and humidity are very comfortable.  The sun is out with not a cloud in the sky.  The walls are about six stories high, so there is no direct sunlight, yet a consistent breeze whisps through the air.  We sit here reading our bibles, writing devotions, reading books, and relaxing.  It really is a wonderful spot.  But without the LORD, it would be a hole in the middle of a building with plants and furniture.  That would be it.  The anxieties that remain outside these walls, would still remain inside.  In fact, without the LORD, the walls may seem like they are closing in.  The One that makes a place beautiful is not what appears to the eyes.  Rather, that which feeds the soul.  How blessed I am to have a God who meets me in times of deep need and makes me feel as though there is nothing He cannot handle!

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